Site allocation policies for new land allocations

Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee

18 August 2015

Is the final decision on the recommendations in this report to be made at this meeting?



Policies for new land allocations


Final Decision-Maker

Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee

Lead Director or Head of Service

Rob Jarman, Head of Planning and Development

Lead Officer and Report Author

Sue Whiteside, Spatial Policy Team Leader, and Steve Clarke, Principal Planning Officer



Wards affected

Loose, Coxheath and Hunton, and Marden and Yalding



This report makes the following recommendations to the final decision-maker:

1.    That the draft policy for land North of Heath Road (Older’s Field), Coxheath be approved for Regulation 18[1] public consultation (55 dwellings and 2.34ha strategic open space).

2.    That the draft policy for Hubbards Lane, Loose be approved for Regulation 18 public consultation (6 dwellings) as an exception to the local plan settlement hierarchy.

3.    That the draft policy for Bentletts Yard, Claygate Road, Laddingford be approved for Regulation 18 public consultation (10 dwellings) as an exception to the local plan settlement hierarchy.



This report relates to the following corporate priorities:

·         Keeping Maidstone Borough an attractive place for all






Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee

18 August 2015

Policies for new land allocations





1.1      At the adjourned meeting on 23 July 2015, the Committee considered a number of housing sites in the context of a challenging objectively assessed housing need.  The report did not contain specific policies for three sites that were approved for further public consultation (Regulation 18), although the report contained site information and plans.  This report recommends policies for the following three sites:


·         Land north of Heath Road (Older’s Field), Coxheath

·         Hubbards Lane, Loose

·         Bentletts Yard, Claygate Road, Laddingford





2.1      This report recommends three policies for sites which were approved for public consultation (Regulation 18) at the adjourned Committee meeting of 23 July 2015.  Site plans are reproduced in Appendix A for convenience.

2.2      A viability report in respect of the development of Bentletts Yard is currently being assessed and the Committee will be updated at the meeting should the results be available.





Policy H1(76) – Land North of Heath Road (Older’s Field) Coxheath

3.1      The site is located on the north side of the B2163 Heath Road, immediately adjacent to the current western boundary of the village of Coxheath. It extends to 4.59ha in area, and the land falls gently towards the north.

3.2      Currently, the site is comprised largely of sweet chestnut woodland with heathland plants such as Broom taking hold, along with Sweet Chestnut/Silver Birch trees on previously more open areas. In the centre of the area is an open grassed area beyond a bund feature.  Established woodland (2.13ha) to the north is not currently being managed as coppice woodland. This area is the subject of a planning application (13/1999) for use as public open space.

3.3      From throughout much of the site, the dwellings at Whitebeam Drive/Lynden Road and Wakehurst Close within the existing village boundary of Coxheath to the east are visible; there is a harsh edge to the village. The majority of this boundary is close-boarded fencing and the houses are on slightly higher land than much of the site. The current boundary edge with Coxheath is sometimes used for the unauthorised dumping of household garden waste.

3.4      Approximately half way into the site, to the north-west, the dwellings at Adbert Drive/ Fairhurst Drive are visible. These were built on the site of a former scrap metal yard and are accessed from Dean Street further to the west which comprises a linear residential development on either side.

3.5      The whole site area is criss-crossed by a network of informal paths running north-south and east-west through the woodland and scrub and is well-used on an informal basis by local residents.  PROW KM46 runs along the western side of the site from Heath Road towards Pleasant Valley Lane which is also a PROW (KM44) but which is surfaced and serves a number of dwellings and grazing land.

3.6      Planning permission was granted in 1972 (MK/3/71/385) for a petrol filling station and showroom with caretaker’s flat on the part of the site fronting Heath Road. The development was commenced and an application for a lawful development certificate, demonstrating that the permission remained valid, was granted in 1999 (99/0771).  Given the regeneration that is taking place on the site, evidence of the works undertaken to implement the 1972 permission are becoming harder to see on site but they do remain.

3.7      Two areas of open space to the west and north of the proposed residential development area are indicated on the site plan.  These areas should be provided as open space as, together with the area of proposed open space to the north, they will play an important role in preventing coalescence between the settlements of Dean Street and Coxheath. This is an aspiration of the emerging Coxheath Neighbourhood Plan.


Policy H1(76)


Land North of Heath Road (Older’s Field) Coxheath


Planning permission will be granted if the following criteria are met.


Design and Layout


1.    The layout will provide for a range of dwelling types and sizes to ensure an appropriate mix of accommodation is provided.

2.    Development proposals will be of a high standard of design and sustainability incorporating the use of vernacular materials and demonstrating compliance with the requirements of policies DM2, DM3 and DM4.

3.    Residential development shall take place on not more than 2.25ha of the site as indicated on the Proposals Map and shall be accessed from the B2163 Heath Road.

4.    Two areas of open space comprising a minimum of 1.54ha to the north of the residential development area and a minimum of 0.8ha to the west of the residential development area, as shown on the proposals map, shall be provided as open space.



5.    The development proposals are designed to take into account the results of a landscape and visual impact assessment undertaken in accordance with the principles of guidance in place at the time of the submission of an application.

6.    The development proposals are designed to take into account the results of a detailed arboricultural survey, tree constraints plan and tree retention/protection plans.

7.    The development proposals are designed to take into account the results of a phase 1 habitat survey and any species specific surveys that may, as a result, be recommended, together with any necessary mitigation/ enhancement measures.

Flood risk and drainage


8.    Development will be subject to the results of a detailed flood risk assessment and a sustainable surface water drainage strategy that demonstrates that surface water run-off from the site will not lead to an increased risk of flooding either on site or off-site.

Community facilities


9.    Contributions towards community infrastructure in Coxheath to mitigate the additional impact of the development will be provided where appropriate.

Open space


10. In addition to the provision of publicly accessible open space pursuant to criterion 4, additional contributions towards other types of open space and/or contributions towards such provision off-site will be provided where appropriate.



11. Vehicular access shall be taken from the B2163 Heath Road.

12. Improvements to PROW KM46 from Heath Road as far as its junction with KM46 (Pleasant Valley Lane) for the benefit of both pedestrian and cycle access will be provided.



13. Contributions towards the improvement of the junction of the B2163 Heath Road and the A229 Linton Road at Linton Crossroads will be provided where appropriate.

14. The existing pedestrian footpath on the north side of Heath Road that currently terminates at Wakehurst Close shall be extended across the site frontage as far as PROW KM46.



Ward: Coxheath and Hunton

Parish: Coxheath

Site area 4.59ha

Developable area 2.25ha

Approx. Yield 55 units

Net density 24.4 dwellings/ha

Current use: Vacant regenerating heathland/woodland with informal public access



Policy H1(X) Hubbards Lane, Loose


3.8      The site is located on the eastern side of Hubbards Lane, within Loose Parish. Measuring approximately 0.4 hectares, and roughly square in shape, the site forms part of a wider agricultural unit which is currently occupied by polytunnels and is in intensive use. A ribbon development of detached and semi-detached properties lies to the north of the site, whilst the remainder of the agricultural unit lies to the east and south. The Cornwallis Academy and grounds are located to the west, on the far side of Hubbards Lane.

3.9      The proposed layout of the development will need to take account of the form and design of development to the north of the site. Development of this site for around six dwellings will extend the ribbon development by approximately 50 metres to the south, and this low density development will therefore allow for effective structural landscaping to be introduced on the site’s eastern and southern boundaries. The existing hedgerow on the site’s western boundary has been identified as potentially important, and should be maintained and enhanced where practicable.

3.10   There are no serious highways constraints to development, but the design of the scheme will need to take account of the potential for problems caused by car parking associated with the Cornwallis Academy at peak times.


Policy H1(X)


Hubbards Lane, Loose


Planning permission will be granted if the following criteria are met:


Design and Layout


1.    Development of the site will take account of the form and siting of the ribbon development along Hubbards Lane to the north.

2.    Structural landscaping will be provided on the eastern and southern boundaries of the site to provide a suitable buffer between the site and the agricultural unit to the east.

3.    The existing hedgerow on the site’s western boundary will be maintained and enhanced where practicable.




4.    Access to the site will be from Hubbards Lane and the scheme design should take account of the potential for the development to be affected by car parking associated with the Cornwallis Academy at peak times.


Flooding and drainage


5.    Appropriate surface water management measures and flood mitigation measures will be implemented, subject to a flood risk assessment, incorporating sustainable drainage systems.


Open Space


6.    Provision of publicly accessible open space and/or financial contributions, where assessed as appropriate.


Community Infrastructure


7.   Appropriate contributions towards community infrastructure will be provided.



Ward: Loose

Parish: Loose

Site area 0.4ha

Developable area 0.4ha

Approx. Yield 6 units

Net density 15 dwellings/ha

Current use: Agriculture (cultivation under polytunnels)

Policy H1(XX) – Bentletts Yard, Claygate Road, Laddingford

3.11   The site is located close to Laddingford in a rural area characterised by open countryside interspersed with clusters of agricultural buildings.  The site comprises an area of 1.5 ha and is predominantly used as a commercial vehicle scrapyard.  At the site entrance close to Claygate Road is a Grade II listed building known as The Pest House.

3.12   The current use is out of character in this attractive rural landscape and there are landscape and heritage benefits associated with allowing its replacement with limited residential development. Development would also result in the remediation of any contamination associated with the existing scrapyard use, as well as reduction in heavy vehicle movements to the site.

3.13   A strong tree and hedgerow boundary to the north of the site reduces the visibility of the site in the landscape, and should be protected and enhanced.  The boundary to the south should be enhanced by a strong landscaping buffer.

3.14   Given the rural location and the need to ensure that the development fits appropriately into the landscape, a low density development would be appropriate with buildings designed and sited to reflect groups of historic farm buildings.

3.15   There are Great Crested Newts associated with ponds close to the site.  As a result, detailed ecological surveys are required and a mitigation strategy prepared if proven necessary.  The proposed density of development is such that disturbance of the potentially suitable habitat is unnecessary, and there will be opportunities for ecological enhancement on the site.

Policy H1(XX) – Bentletts Yard, Claygate Road, Laddingford


Planning permission will be granted if the following criteria are met:


Design and Layout

1.    The layout of development shall reflect the rural character of the area to create the appearance of one or more clusters of farm buildings.

2.    Development proposals will be of a high standard of design and sustainability, incorporating the traditional domestic and agricultural building designs and materials of Kent Vernacular architecture.

3.    Lighting on the site should be carefully designed so that it minimises landscape, heritage and ecological impacts.

Heritage Impact

4.    Development should preserve and/or enhance the setting of the listed building known as The Pest House at the entrance to the site.


5.    The development proposals are designed to take into account the results of a landscape and visual assessment undertaken in accordance with the principles of guidance available at the time of the submission of an application.

6.    The development proposals are designed to take into account the results of a detailed arboricultural survey, tree constraints plan and tree retention/protection plans.

7.    Retention, enhancement and reinforcement of trees and hedgerows along the site’s northern and southern boundaries to provide substantial structural landscaping to screen the development from the surrounding countryside.

8.    The development proposals are designed to take account of the results of a phase 1 habitat survey and any species specific survey that may, as a result, be recommended together with any necessary mitigation / enhancement measures. 

9.    The development should be designed to ensure that land suitable for use as Great Crested Newt habitat should not be lost to development. Any landscaping and ecological enhancements at the western end of the site should include provision of a wildlife pond.

Land contamination and viability

10. It should be demonstrated that contamination of the site resulting from its scrapyard use has been remediated to the satisfaction of the local authority and the Environment Agency.

11. Any application should be accompanied by a detailed viability assessment and appraisal.

Flooding and water quality

12. The submission of a flood risk assessment which has been undertaken to a methodology agreed with the Environment Agency.

13. Measures should be secured to ensure adequate site drainage, including the implementation of sustainable drainage measures.   Sustainable Urban Drainage Measures should seek to enhance potential Great Crested Newt habitat.

Community Infrastructure

14. Appropriate contributions towards community infrastructure will be provided   where the development scheme is viable, priority being given to ensure the achievement of criteria 9 and 10 above.

Open Space

15. Provision of publicly accessible open space and/or contributions towards such off-site provision where appropriate.


16.  Appropriate improvements to, or contribution towards, the junction with Claygate Road.


Ward: Marden and Yalding

Parish: Yalding

Site area 1.5ha

Developable area 1.5ha

Approx. Yield 10 units

Net density 7.5 dwellings/ha

Current use: Scrap yard





4.1      The three draft site allocation policies will be subject to further public consultation (Regulation 18).





The following documents are to be published with this report and form part of the report:

·               Appendix A: Policies for new land allocations - site plans






[1] The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012