Appendix 2


Option A Policy Criteria



H1 (10) South of Sutton Road Langley


Ward: Parkwood/Sutton Valence and Langley


Parish: Boughton Monchelsea/Langley


Current use: Golf Driving Range and Plant Nursery


South of Sutton Road development criteria


Planning permission will be granted if the following criteria are met:


Design and layout


1.      Within the land indicated for a mix of open space and community infrastructure as shown on the Policies Map, no built development other than a primary school or other community infrastructure will be permitted, and any development shall be designed and sited to maintain a greater openness within this part of the site reflecting its role as a transition to the countryside beyond and the need to maintain existing vistas to the south and south east. Land not required to provide such a facility shall provide public open space.


2.      An undeveloped section of land will be retained in the eastern part of the site to create a buffer between development and the adjacent open countryside. No built development other than a site access road will be permitted further to the east/south east than as shown on the Proposals Map, the approximate location of the 105m contour-line.


3.      The retained open land beyond the built development shall be used for the provision of SuDS surface water drainage mitigation and to provide a comprehensive area of public open space, of which a minimum of 11ha shall be natural/semi-natural open space, to serve the development rather than open space being provided on a fragmented basis within the development.


4.      The development proposals are designed to take into account the results of a landscape and visual impact assessment undertaken in accordance with the principles of current guidance, with particular emphasis on the Loose Stream/Langley Loch and Langley Church and other heritage assets adjacent to the site.


5.      The proposals will be designed and laid-out to provide an appropriate and strong visual relationship between the new development and the hamlet of Langley Park, whilst preserving the setting of the existing listed buildings and protecting the amenity and privacy of existing residential properties.


6.      Development should be sited in order to preserve or enhance the setting of the listed buildings surrounding the site.

7.      PROW KH364 will be retained and improved to enable use by pedestrians and cycles, continuing the link between Sutton Road and the Loose/Shaw stream and in addition PROW KH365 between Langley Church and Brishing Road shall also be improved to enable use by pedestrians and cycles and to provide an alternative link to south east Maidstone.


8.      Development proposals will be of a high standard of design and sustainability incorporating the use of vernacular materials and demonstrating compliance with the requirements of policies DM2, DM3 and DM4.




9.      Primary access will be taken from the A274 Sutton Road.


10.   Secondary access will be taken through site H1(5) Langley Park subject to agreement with the highways authority and Borough Council.


11.   A separate cycle and pedestrian access will be provided to site H1(5) Langley Park subject to agreement with the highways authority and Borough Council.




12.   Development will be subject to the results and recommendations of a phase one ecological survey.




13.   Development will be subject to a noise survey to determine any necessary attenuation measures in relation to the A274 Sutton Road.


Air quality


14.   Appropriate air quality mitigation measures will be implemented as part of the development.




15.   Development proposals will demonstrate that any necessary new or improved foul and surface water drainage infrastructure required to serve the development, to ensure no risk of flooding off-site has been delivered, or will be delivered in parallel with the development, in consultation with Southern Water and the Environment Agency.


16.   The provision of appropriate contributions towards the long-term maintenance and improvement of the flood mitigation reservoir at Brishing Lane.


Open space


17.   Provision of publicly accessible open space as required by criterion 2.


Community infrastructure


18.   Appropriate contributions towards community infrastructure will be provided, where proven necessary.





19.   Safe connections will be made to the existing cycle network from Park Wood to the town centre and through the upgrading of PROW KH364 and KH365.


Strategic transport requirements


20.   Allocations H1(5), H1(6), H1(7), H1(8), H1(9), H1(10), H1(21) and H1(22) are subject to strategic transport requirements as part of the south east strategic housing location. These allocations will contribute, as proven necessary, towards the following;


i.     An additional inbound lane for vehicular traffic with bus priority measures on the A274 Sutton Road from Willington Street to the Wheatsheaf junction;

ii.     The improvement of the Willington Street / A274 Sutton Road junction;

iii.    A new roundabout to be provided on the A274 to allow access to Langley Park site;

iv.   A new access road of a width suitable to accommodate contra-flow traffic and adjacent footways between Gore Court Road from the western boundary of Bicknor Wood and A274 Sutton Road:

v.    Widening Gore Court Road to a suitable width to accommodate contra-flow traffic with a footway on the eastern side of the carriageway between White Horse Lane and the access into the North of Sutton Road site; and

vi.   A pedestrian and cycle crossing on the A274 to link the allocated development sites.

vii.   Strategic road infrastructure to significantly relieve traffic congestion on Sutton Road and Willington Street.


An individual transport assessment for each development, to be submitted to and approved by the Borough Council in consultation with Kent County Council as the highway authority and the Highways Agency, where appropriate, will demonstrate how proposed mitigation measures address the cumulative impacts of all the sites taken together.


Gross area (ha) 47.1 Net Area 26.6(ha)


Approximate density 32dpha Approximate net capacity 850