Report of the Head of Planning and Development - Future Locations for Housing Growth

Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transport Committee

18 August 2015

Is the final decision on the recommendations in this report to be made at this meeting?



Future locations for housing growth


Final Decision-Maker

Strategic Planning, Sustainability & Transport Committee

Lead Director or Head of Service

Rob Jarman: Head of Planning & Development

Lead Officer and Report Author

Steve Clarke: Principal Planning Officer Spatial Policy



Wards affected




This report makes the following recommendations to the final decision-maker:

1.    That the three broad locations are approved for incorporation into the Regulation 19[1] version of the Maidstone Borough Local Plan:

Maidstone Town Centre: some 700 dwellings

Invicta Park Barracks: some 1300 dwellings

Lenham: some 1500 dwellings.

2.    That the amendments to policies H3, H3(2) and H3(3) set out in Section 4 of the report are approved for incorporation into the Regulation 19 version of the Maidstone Borough Local Plan.



This report relates to the following corporate priorities:

·         Keeping Maidstone Borough an attractive place for all






Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee

18 August 2015

Future locations for housing growth





1.1         Policy H3 relates to Future Locations for Housing Growth, also known as ‘broad locations.’  Three such locations are identified in the policy as follows:


Maidstone Town Centre: Some 700 dwellings

Invicta Park Barracks: Some 1300 dwellings

Lenham: Some 1500 dwellings


1.2         It is intended that any development in these locations would occur at the latter end of the plan period (2026-2031).  


1.3         This report assesses the responses made following the Regulation 18 Consultation on Policy H3 of the draft Maidstone Borough Local Plan 2014 and considers whether any changes to the policy should be made as a result.  





2.1         The Council is required to demonstrate that it has a supply of deliverable sites for a five year period plus a buffer of 5% and that it can identify a supply of specific, developable sites or broad locations for growth, for years 6-10 and, where possible, for years 11-15 of the plan period. To be considered developable, sites should be in a suitable location for housing development and there should be a reasonable prospect that the site is available and could be viably developed at the point envisaged.


2.2         As part of this process the three broad locations set out in policy H3 (attached at Appendix 1) have been identified for the latter part of the plan period, from 2026-2031. They would be subject to a formal review at the first review of the Local Plan once adopted. No specific sites are currently indicated although for Lenham in particular, as part of the 2014 SHLAA  ‘call for sites’ exercise that was undertaken, sites have come forward in the indicated area of the broad location to the east and west of the existing village to give a good indication of potential availability.


2.3         Appendix F of the Regulation 18 Consultation Draft of the Local Plan (attached at Appendix 2) sets out additional development criteria that would need to be addressed if the sites at Invicta Park Barracks and Lenham came forward before the local plan is reviewed.


2.4         Policy H3 was included as part of the Maidstone Borough Local Plan Regulation 18 Consultation draft when that was published for consultation between March and May 2014.


2.5         A summary of the issues raised and a schedule of responses by Officers to the issues raised following the Regulation 18 Consultation are attached at Appendix 3.


2.6         It is considered that it is entirely appropriate and consistent with the guidance in the NPPF for broad locations for future growth to be proposed for the latter part of the plan period. As stated above, these will be subject to review when the local plan is reviewed following its adoption.




3.1         Councillors could choose to recommend that the proposed broad locations are deleted from the Local Plan. This would need to be subject to further Regulation 18 Consultation. The main consequence of this would be a need to find alternative housing sites to address any resultant shortfall of potential supply against the Objectively Assessed Need of 18,560 dwellings.


3.2         Alternatively, numbers in the broad locations could be increased. This too has some uncertainties attached to it. In the case of Invicta Park Barracks, the primary uncertainty would be whether such an increase would harm the parkland within the site and thus the setting of the Grade II* listed Park House. It is considered that this would be likely to be the result. In the case of Lenham, a number of sites did come forward in the indicated areas of the broad location east and west of the existing built-up area of the village that indicated the proposed level of future growth could be achievable. Beyond this there would be further uncertainty. In the Town Centre, the full impact of changes to ‘permitted development rights’ has yet to be felt, the meeting of the Committee on 23 July 2015 it was agreed in principle that, subject to further discussion at the 18 August meeting when broad locations are considered in full, consideration is given to increasing the yield of the Town Centre broad location from an estimated 600 dwellings to 700 dwellings.   Following a review of further development potential within the Town Centre, an additional 100 dwellings, allocated for the latter years of the plan period is considered achievable.        


3.3         The third option would be to retain two of the three broad locations as they are with the indicated housing numbers maintained at their current levels (Invicta Park Barracks and Lenham), and to increase the yield from the Town Centre from 600 to 700 dwellings. Changes to the criteria to reflect concerns expressed in the representations received following consultation should be made as appropriate.            





4.1         The Committee is recommended to approve the following changes to policy H3 of the draft Maidstone Borough Local Plan in respect of future locations for housing growth and also the criteria included at Appendix F of the draft local plan for policies H3(2) and H3(3). Additions to the policy are in bold text and deletions are in strike through text. Paragraphs 4.2 to 4.8 are the supporting text to the policy whereas the policy itself is set out in the table at paragraph 4.9. The criteria for Appendix F that deal with Invicta Park Barracks and Lenham are set out in the tables at paragraph 4.10.


Policy H3 - Future locations for housing growth

4.2       The council has identified Maidstone Town Centre, Invicta Park Barracks on Royal Engineers Road and Lenham as future broad locations for housing growth, where the expectation is that development will not take place at these locations until the latter end of the plan period (2026-2031).


Maidstone Town Centre

4.3      It is acknowledged that there is an oversupply of poorer quality office stock in the town centre which is no longer fit for purpose. This has the effect of suppressing the town centre office market and thereby inhibiting new development which could better meet modern business needs. A route to tackle this is to rationalise the supply of the poorest stock through conversion or redevelopment to alternative uses. Over the time frame of the plan it is anticipated that the value of the lowest quality office stock, in terms of rents, will fall further making redevelopment for alternative uses increasingly viable. With a corresponding uplift in the market for town centre apartments, this trend could see the delivery of significant new housing in and around the town centre. The impact of the temporary permitted development entitlements for changes of use from office accommodation to residential use has yet to be fully assessed, although a number of prior notifications have been submitted. In view of the market shifts needed, delivery is likely to be realised towards the end of the plan period. The town centre broad location has the potential to deliver in the order of 700 additional homes.


Invicta Park Barracks, Maidstone

4.4       Invicta Park Barracks covers a substantial area (41 ha) to the north of the town centre. It comprises a range of military buildings, including army accommodation, set within expansive parkland. The site is currently home to the 36 Engineer Regiment. The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has categorised the site as a ‘retained’ site in its most recent estates review (2013), rather than a ‘core’ site which has a more secure future; although there are no immediate plans to vacate this site.


4.5       The MoD keeps its property portfolio under regular review. The MoD has confirmed to the council that, in the longer term, there could be some prospect that the site may be declared surplus and so become available for alternative uses.


4.6       In recognition of this potential, and the clear need to plan positively for it in the event that the site does become surplus to MoD requirements (again it is advised that there are no immediate plans to vacate the site), the draft local plan identifies Invicta Park Barracks as a broad location for future housing growth towards the end of the local plan period (post 2026). The site has the potential to deliver in the order of 1,300 new homes.



4.7      Lenham is identified as a rural service centre in the local plan, primarily because of the range of services and facilities in the village, transport infrastructure, local employment opportunities and the fact that the village serves its local population and surrounding areas.


4.8      Approximately 40 ha of land adjacent to the east and west of Lenham's built form is considered suitable to accommodate additional housing in the region of 1500 dwellings in total, if required towards the latter end of the plan period (post 2026). The topography of this area is low lying and does not have the same landscape or infrastructure constraints as some other areas of the borough. However, it is accepted that a number of infrastructure improvements and mitigation measures (e.g. transport, highways, education, health, sporting facilities) would be required to ensure that any future development is integrated into the existing fabric of the settlement and to ensure that Lenham remains a sustainable settlement.



Policy H 3

Future locations for housing growth

The following locations are identified as future locations for housing growth

for the later phases of the plan period (2026 onwards):

1. Town centre: some 700 dwellings;

2. Invicta Park Barracks, Maidstone: some 1300 dwellings; and

3. Lenham: some 1500 dwellings.


Appendix F sets out the broad criteria which will govern development in locations (2) and (3). Detailed site allocations for sites (2) and (3) will be made as part of a local plan review


4.10    Appendix F. Future locations for housing growth


Site name, address                 

H3(2) Maidstone Barracks Invicta Park





Maidstone Barracks (future location for housing growth) development criteria


The Maidstone Barracks (Invicta Park) is identified as a future location for housing growth of up to 1300 dwellings towards the end of the local plan period (post 2026). Should the site come forward within the growth location as defined in the policies map before the local plan is reviewed in 2021, the following criteria must be met in addition to other policies of this local plan:


1.    Integration of new development within the existing landscape structure of the site Preparation and submission of a development brief and a masterplan prepared in conjunction with and for approval by the council to guide development;

2.    1 Integration of new development within the existing landscape structure of the site (supported by ecological, arboricultural and landscape and visual impact assessments together with the identification of detailed mitigation measures where appropriate);

3.    2. Ensuring requisite community facilities, which may include neighbourhood shopping, and health and education facilities, are delivered in conjunction with housing;

4.    3. Off-site highway improvements as necessary to mitigate the impact of development;

5.    4. Securing a network of public footpaths and cycling routes through the site;

6.    5. Preservation of features of ecological importance including the retention and enhancement of wildlife corridors and ensuring that connection with ecological features and corridors outside the site is maintained/enhanced;

7.    6. Enhanced walking, cycling and public transport connections to the town centre and local area;

8.    7. Preservation of Park House (Grade II*) and its setting in particular the parkland to the north and east of Park House to include removal of existing built development at 1-8 (consecutive) The Crescent to enhance/restore the parkland setting.

9.    Development proposals must demonstrate that the necessary sewerage infrastructure is either available, or can be delivered in parallel with the development.  


Gross Area (ha)



Site name, address

H3 (3) Lenham


Harrietsham and Lenham



The rural service centre of Lenham is identified as a future location for housing growth of up to 1,500 dwellings towards the end of the local plan period (post 2026). Should sites come forward within the growth location, as defined in the policies map, before the local plan is reviewed in 2021, the following criteria must be met in addition to other policies of this local plan:


1.         Submission of necessary ecological and landscape surveys with detailed mitigation schemes where appropriate; Preparation and submission of a masterplan prepared in conjunction with and for approval by the Council to guide development;

2.         1. Submission of necessary ecological, arboricultural and landscape and visual impact surveys assessments with detailed mitigation schemes where appropriate;

3.         2. Individual transport assessments for each development, to be submitted to and approved by the Borough Council in conjunction with Kent County Council, as the highway authority, demonstrating how proposed mitigation measures address the cumulative impacts of all the sites taken together;

4.         3. Provision of, or contributions towards infrastructure improvements that benefit public transport users, pedestrians and cyclists in and around the village;

5.         4. Provision of, or contributions towards community infrastructure (e.g. schools, medical facilities, youth facilities), where proven necessary;

6.         5. Provision of publicly accessible open space, including natural and semi-natural open space, as proven necessary, and/or contributions, and;

7.         6. Appropriate surface water and robust flood mitigation measures will be implemented where deemed necessary, subject to a flood risk assessment, incorporating sustainable urban drainage systems.    

8.         A feasible solution shall be identified to provide wastewater treatment capacity so that water quality objectives set by the Environment Agency are not compromised, and the necessary wastewater treatment capacity can be delivered in parallel with the development.

9.         Development proposals must demonstrate that the necessary sewerage infrastructure is either available, or can be delivered in parallel with the development.

Gross area (ha)






5.1         The draft Maidstone Borough Local Plan has been subject to public consultation in accordance with Regulation 18 (of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012) between March and May 2014. The key issues raised by respondents to the plan’s future locations for Development (H3), together with officer responses and recommendations are set out in Appendix Three of the report and have helped to refine the draft policy. 





6.1         The amended policy H3 and associated criteria (at Appendix F of the Regulation 18 draft) will be included in the Publication version of the Local Plan (Regulation 19).









Impact on Corporate Priorities

The adoption of the local plan will assist in the delivery of the Council’s corporate priorities

Head of Planning & Development

Risk Management

A sound evidence base, together with an assessment of the key issues raised by respondents to policy H3 during Regulation 18 consultation, has helped to develop the policy and reduce risk to the policy being found unsound at examination.  Should the allocations as proposed be rejected, there would be a significant shortfall in housing land against objectively assessed need which would result in a high risk to the local plan being found unsound.

Head of Planning & Development


The development of the Local Plan has been fully funded as part of the Council’s revenue budget. There are no direct financial implications arising from this report. Ensuring the Local plan is based on sound evidence will minimise the likelihood of avoidable costs being occurred. 

S151 Officer and Chief Accountant 



Head of Planning & Development


The Council is required to take account of any representations made to them in the preparation of its Local Plan (Regulation 18 (3) of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012).  The Legal Team continues to provide advice and guidance on local plan matters and to review any legal implications of reports  

Team Leader (Planning) Mid Kent Legal  Services

Equality Impact Needs Assessment


Policy & Information Manager

Environmental/Sustainable Development

The Local Plan is fundamentally concerned with delivering sustainable development objectives

Head of Planning & Development

Community Safety


Head of Planning & Development

Human Rights Act


Head of Planning & Development



Head of Planning & Development and Section 151 Officer

Asset Management


Head of Planning & Development






The following documents are to be published with this report and form part of the report:

·               Appendix 1: Maidstone Borough Local Plan Regulation 18 Consultation Draft 2014: Policy H3.

·               Appendix 2: Maidstone Borough Local Plan Regulation 18 Consultation Draft 2014: Appendix F - Policies H3(2) and H3(3)

·               Appendix 3 Schedule of responses to the Maidstone Borough Local Plan Regulation 18 Consultation Draft 2014 relating to policy H3 and officers’ comments and recommended policy changes.





[1] The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012