Appendix II schedule of detailed changes to Policy RMX1

Appendix II – schedule of detailed changes to PolicyRMX1

Site reference

Site name & address




Newnham Park, Bearsted Road, Maidstone

Proposed change:

Amend criterion 5(ii) though the addition of a second sentence to read; “the retention and enhancement of existing planting. Where the loss of selected existing planting is unavoidable, appropriate compensatory planting must be provided

To clarify the Council’s requirements for replacement landscaping.


Newnham Park, Bearsted Road, Maidstone

Amend criterion 8 to read “ submission of a retail impact assessment which clearly demonstrates that the retail development has no significant adverse impact on the town and local centres

To clarify the requirements of the retail impact assessment


Newnham Park, Bearsted Road, Maidstone

Amend criterion 14 to read “submission of a Travel Plan, to include a car park management plan, to be approved by the Borough Council “

In view of the differentiated demand for car parking that the separate uses across the site will generate, a car parking management plan is required.


Maidstone East & Maidstone sorting office

Amend criterion 9 to read “the incorporation of landscaped elements within the overall scheme design including the retention of existing landscape features where possible. Where the loss of  existing landscape features is unavoidable, appropriate compensatory planting must be provided



To clarify the Council’s requirements for replacement landscaping.


Maidstone East & Maidstone sorting office

Add a new criterion to read “development will be subject to the results and recommendations of a phase 1 ecological survey

To overcome an omission from the policy to ensure ecological value is assessed and responded to.  


Maidstone East & Maidstone sorting office

Add the following text to paragraph 7.11 “This edge of centre site is considered suitable for a combination of comparison and convenience retailing. This could include a large foodstore

For the avoidance of doubt.


Maidstone East & Maidstone Sorting Office

Add the following text to the end of paragraph 7.12: “Additionally a subsidiaryn element of office development would be acceptable provided this does not compromise the retail requirements for the site expressed in Policy RMX1(2).”

For clarification.


Clockhouse Farm, Coxheath

Delete site (4) Clockhouse Farm, Heath Road, Coxheath from Policy RMX1.

To reflect the decision of Planning Committee to grant permission for residential, and extra care units and open space/community uses on this site (MA/14/0566) subject to the completion of a legal agreement.


Baltic Wharf, St Peters Street, Maidstone

Proposed change: add the following to the supporting  text for Policy SP1 – Maidstone Town Centre:


The Baltic Wharf building in St Peters Street is a prominent and substantial Grade II listed building fronting the west bank of the River Medway. Whilst the more modern warehouses adjoining the building are occupied, the main building is currently underused and the future of this listed building would be best secured by putting it into active use.  To this end, an appeal was allowed for a large foodstore and other ancillary uses (offices , restaurant & cafe and assembly & leisure uses) in July 2014.  Should the consented scheme not come forward, the Council will consider positively alternative schemes that achieve the retention and restoration of the listed building.  Appropriate uses would include housing, offices, leisure uses, cafes and restaurants.  “

To set the Council’s approach to this site should the extant consent for a foodstore not be implemented.