REFERENCE NO -  15/503323/FULL


Erection of building to provide ancillary storage and facilities

ADDRESS Fairbourne Manor Stables Fairbourne Lane Harrietsham Kent ME17 1LN 




No objection to the proposal on size, design or siting grounds, the proposed building will not result in any material harm to the rural character of the locality, will have no material impact on the occupants of any houses and is acceptable in highway and parking terms.





Contrary to the views of Harrietsham Parish Council



WARD Harrietsham And Lenham Ward


APPLICANT Mr John Hunter

AGENT Coles And Co






2nd June 2015






1.01    The application site lies on the west side of Fairbourne Lane and is currently occupied by a small stable complex and outbuildings with the area to the south west in use as a manege.


1.02    The site lies in open countryside not subject to any specific landscape designation.


2.0       PROPOSAL


2.01    Involved is the erection of a detached building, to be ancillary to the existing recreational equestrian use. The proposed building will be sited to the north east of the existing site entrance, set back just under 6 metres from Fairbourne Lane and just under 17 metres from the existing stable complex sited to the south west.


2.02    The building has an almost rectangular footprint being just over 10 metres long with a maximum width of just over 6 metres and be clad with dark stained weatherboarding  and clay roof tiles. The building has an asymmetric roof profile with a catslide roof and eaves height of just over 1.1 metres on the north east facing elevation with the south west elevation (facing back towards the existing stables) having an eaves height of just over 2.2 metres. The ridge height of the building will be just over 4.4 metres.


2.03    Additional landscaping is proposed in the form of additional native species hedging around the site access and returning in a north east direction along Fairbourne Lane.


2.04    The building will house a tractor and machinery store while providing secure tack storage along with a kitchen area and toilet facilities for staff use.  




2.01    MA/99/1989:Erection of a detached barn for storage of hay and straw –A- 24/02/2000


2.02    MA/91/1380: Erection of stableblock and formation of exercise area for private use -A-17/02/1992 subject to condition for private use.




The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF2012)

National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG2014)

Development Plan: ENV28 (Countryside protection) ENV46 (Equestrian Development)



5.01    Neighbours: 9 properties consulted – 1 objection received which is summarised below:


-       The site drawing states there are 9 stables which are clearly not just for personal use.

-       No indication is given as to animal waste mitigation.

-       Will have a detrimental effect on a Grade 2 listed building, namely Fairbourne Manor.

-       Proposed location of the new building will harm the rural character of Fairbourne Lane.




6.01    Harrietsham Parish Council: Object on the following grounds:


-       Location of the new building will harm the rural character of Fairbourne Lane.


6.02    KCC Archaeology:  The application site lies within the historic complex of Fairbourne Manor, a 17th century manor and farm with evidence of several historic farm outbuildings.  No objection subject to condition to secure a watching brief.


7.0       APPRAISAL


7.01    Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires all planning applications to be determined in accordance with the Development Plan unless other material considerations indicate otherwise.


7.02    The key issues in relation to this proposal are considered to be (a) principle (b) impact on rural character of area (c) impact on the outlook and amenity of properties overlooking and abutting the site and (d) highway and parking considerations.


Principle of Development


7.03    The site lies in open countryside not having any specific landscape designation. As such it is subject to the provisions of policy ENV28 of the adopted local plan which makes provision for open air recreational uses and ancillary buildings providing operational uses only.


7.04    Equestrian related development is normally subject to the provisions of policy ENV46 of the adopted plan. However as this is an established equestrian use and that many of the criteria set out in policy ENV46 are mainly relevant to proposals for new equestrian uses, it is considered that the key test here is whether this additional building can be justified having regard to existing facilities provided with the complex.


7.05    The applicants advise that to reflect the maintenance needs of the site there is a requirement to provide a secure area for the storage for equipment, a secure storage area for tack and the need to provide kitchen and WC provision for staff. As there are no existing buildings on site capable of serving these functions this brings with it a requirement for an additional building which is accepted. It is also accepted that given the functions the building is intended to serve its size is also a proportionate response to these.


7.06    It is therefore considered that the there is no objection to the proposal in principle or size terms and consideration turns on matters of detail.


Impact on rural character of area:


7.07    The proposed building due to its size, design and use of materials is considered to represent an example of local vernacular architecture appropriate to this rural setting.


7.08    Regarding the siting of the building, it was originally intended to site it longitudinally with Farirbourne Lane. It was considered this would disperse rather than concentrate development, contrary to one of the provisions of policy ENV46. The proposal now shows the buildings sited end on to Fairbourne Lane facing back onto the nearby stable block and clearly defining the outer limit of built extent of the complex. The operational side of the building, facing onto the rear of the nearby stable block, will further enclose and contain activity generated by the adjoining stables and yard.


7.09    In addition the rear, north east, elevation of the building shows a ‘blind’ steeply sloping catslide roof with a low eaves. Both of these elements will have a material impact in minimising any impression of built mass when travelling along Fairbourne Lane in a north east to south west direction. Views of the building will be available through the access. However given that it will be clearly linked both functionally and visually with the adjoining stable complex sited nearby, it will not appear incongruous or out of character as a consequence.


7.10    When also taking into account the additional hedgerow planting around the access and returning along Fairbourne Lane, it is considered the proposal will have no material impact on the rural character of the area. It therefore represents development complying with policies ENV28 and ENV46 of the adopted local plan.


Impact on the outlook and amenity of nearby properties:


7.11    Given (a) the size, design and siting of the building, (b) proposed landscaping and (c) that the nearest dwelling ( Fairbourne Manor, a Grade II Listed Bulding) is sited just over 80 metres to the north east on the opposite side of Fairbourne Lane, it is not considered the outlook or amenity of this property will be materially affected.


Parking and Highway considerations:


7.12    As the building is intended for storage or to serve existing staff, it will not act as a traffic generator in its own right. As such there will be no material change to highway conditions along Fairbourne Lane or need for any additional on site parking. 


Other matters:


7.13    Concern has been raised that the existing stables are not being used solely for personal use. The applicants advise the stables are not being used for commercial purposes but solely for use by friends, family and clients.


7.14    The adjoining stables are subject to condition 05 appended to planning permission ref: MA/91/1380. This condition is worded as follows:


            “That the building(s) hereby permitted shall only be used for the private stabling of horses in the ownership of persons in possession of the building(s) and shall not be used for or in connection with any commercial use.


Reason: To prevent the introduction of an inappropriate commercial use on the



7.15    Given the wording of the condition it is not considered this precludes the use set out by the applicants.


7.16    Regarding disposal of animal waste, as the building is not intended for stabling it does raise any additional issues regarding waste disposal.


7.17    Given (a) the separation distance from the Listed Building (Fairbourne Manor) in excess of 80 metres (b) the proposed building is on the opposite side of Farirbourne Lane to Fairbourne Manor and (c) its size, rural design and siting, it is not considered the building will have any material impact on the character and setting of Fairbourne Manor.




10.01  It is considered there is no objection to the proposal on size, design or siting grounds, it will not result in any material harm to the rural character of the locality while having no material impact on the occupants of any houses and is acceptable in highway and parking terms. The proposal is accordingly recommended for approval.


11.0    RECOMMENDATION – GRANT Subject to the following conditions:


1.    The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission;

Reason: In accordance with the provisions of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


2.    The development hereby approved shall be carried out in the external materials specified.


Reason: In the interests of visual amenity.


3.    The landscaping shown on drawing no:15/0106 shall be undertaken in the first avialable planting season following first occupation of the development hereby permitted. The landscaping shall be maintained for a period of 5 years and any planting becoming dead, dying or diseased within this period shall be replaced with a specimen of the same size and species to be planted in the same location.


Reason: In the interests of visual amenity.


4.    The building hereby approved shall only be used for machinery and tack storage and as a staff room for purposes ancillary to the equestrian use of Fairbourne Manor stables and for no other purposes.


Reason: In the interests of amenity.


5.    No external lighting whatseover shall be installed on the building hereby approved without first obtaining the prior consent in writing of the Local Planning Authority. Lighting shall only be installed in accordance with the approved details and retained as such at all times thereafter.


Reason: To protect the night time rural environment in the interests of visual amenity.


6.    No development shall take place until the applicant, or their agents or successors in title, has secured the implementation of a watching brief to be undertaken by an archaeologist approved by the Local Planning Authority so that the excavation is observed and items of interest and finds are recorded. The watching brief shall be in accordance with a written programme and specification which has been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: To ensure features of archaeological interest are properly examined and recorded.


7.    The development herby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved details being drawing nos: 15/0104, 0105, 0106 and site location plan received on the 17th April 2015.


Reason: In the interests of amenity.  



You are advised that this building and use of the wider site is subject to condition 05 appended to planning permission MA/ MA/91/1380 specifying it  shall only be used for the private stabling of horses in the ownership of persons in possession of the building(s) and shall not be used for or in connection with any commercial use.


Note to Applicant


In accordance with paragraphs 186 and 187 of the NPPF, Maidstone Borough Council (MBC) takes a positive and proactive approach to development proposals focused on solutions. MBC works with applicants/agents in a positive and proactive manner by:


Offering a pre-application advice and duty desk service.


Where possible, suggesting solutions to secure a successful outcome.


As appropriate, updating applicants/agents of any issues that may arise in the processing of their application.


In this instance:


The application was acceptable as submitted.





Case Officer: Graham Parkinson


NB      For full details of all papers submitted with this application please refer to the relevant   Public Access pages on the council’s website.

            The conditions set out in the report may be subject to such reasonable change as is     necessary to ensure accuracy and enforceability.