Minutes of the meeting held
on Thursday
5 November 2015
Present: |
Councillor Mrs Wilson (Chairman), and Councillors Ash, Mrs Blackmore, Chittenden, Cox, Mrs Gooch, Hemsley, Mrs Joy, McKay, Perry, Mrs Ring, Round and Sargeant |
91. Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from Councillors Brice, Garland, McLoughlin, Munford, Naghi, Ross and Mrs Stockell.
92. Notification of Substitute Members
It was noted that Councillor Hemsley was substituting for
Councillor McLoughlin, Councillor Mrs Gooch was substituting for Councillor
Munford, Councillor Mrs Ring was substituting for Councillor Mrs Stockell,
Councillor Richard Ash was substituting for Councillor Garland and Councillor
Perry was substituting for Councillor Brice.
93. Notification of Visiting Members
There were no Visiting Members.
94. Disclosures by Members and Officers
There were no disclosures from Members and Officers.
95. Disclosures of Lobbying
There were no disclosures of lobbying.
96. Exempt Items
RESOLVED: That the items on the agenda be taken in public as proposed.
97. Report of the Director of Environment and Shared Services - Planning Support Shared Service
The Committee considered the report of the Director of
Environment and Shared Service which provided an update on the discussions and
respective position of the partner local authorities following an ‘in
principle’ decision by Tunbridge Wells Borough Council to disaggregate from the
Mid Kent Planning Support (MKPS) shared service and to consider what approach
Maidstone Borough Council wished to take with regard to its future role within
the shared service.
Members were also given a brief introduction by the Director of Mid Kent
Services in relation to the Business Case.
The Director of Mid Kent Services advised that the Business Case had been prepared by a project board of officers across the three authorities. He gave thanks to those involved, particularly the Planning Support team and the Planning Support Manager who have continued to focus on business as usual throughout.
Members noted that the Business Case considered the cost implications of the various scenarios, which were to disaggregate the three way shared service; to reconstitute a planning support service for Tunbridge Wells Borough Council (located at Tunbridge Wells) and a shared service between Maidstone and Swale Borough Councils (which would continue to be located at Maidstone).
Members noted that the final implementation date would be in July 2016.
During the joint discussion, in response to questions raised
by Members, it was noted that:
* the IDOX system would not go live until all the tests had been
completed and the processes signed off by all three parties.
* in terms of Tunbridge Wells Borough Council bearing any reasonable
costs associated with the disaggregation of the project, a line would be
drawn once the project goes live and the systems are implemented.
* the improvement targets had been agreed between Maidstone and
Swale Borough Councils but the respective Councils would be looking to
improve those targets as the service moves on.
That the Business Case prepared and presented by the Mid Kent Services
Director, subject to any amendments following necessary consultation with
affected staff, be agreed;
That the disaggregation of Tunbridge Wells Borough Council from the Mid
Kent Planning Support Service be agreed;
That Maidstone Borough Council’s partnership in the Mid Kent Planning Support
Service with Swale Borough Council continue, subject to:
moving to a ‘volume based’ contribution mechanism; and
undertaking a joint review of the service with Swale Borough
Council by June 2017.
That the continuation of the shared Land Charges Service between
Maidstone, Swale and Tunbridge Wells Borough Councils be noted; and
That delegated authority be given to the Director of Environment and
Shared Services to finalise the detail of any collaboration agreement(s) that
are required as a result of the decisions taken by the Committee.
Voting: For: 13 Against: 0 Abstentions: 0
98. Duration of Meeting
2 p.m. to 2.30 p.m.