15_508972 Urgent Update - Land North Blind Lane

Item 21, Page 247                       Land North at Blind Lane, Bredhurst, Kent





Reference number: 15/508972



Insert additional paragraph at 6.22 of the committee report to read as follows.


Environmental Impact Assessment

The development is considered to fall within Schedule 2 development of the EIA regulations.  Assessment against the EIA regulations should essentially answer the basic premise of whether significant effects upon the environment are likely such that the proposal should be accompanied by an Environment Statement (ES).

The Annex to the EIA section in the NPPG provides a table which gives indicative screening thresholds and guidance to help determine whether significant effects are likely for this type of development. The guidance threshold for residential development is as follows:


·         The development includes more than 150 dwellings; or

·         The overall area of the development exceeds 5 hectares.


Overall, it is not considered that the development on its own or cumulatively would have significant effects upon the environment to warrant an ES. It is considered that the development would not be of more than local importance, and would not involve unusually complex and potentially hazardous environmental effects.  The development area also does not exceed the thresholds laid out under the NPPG and on this basis, it is not considered that an ES is required. 


Recommendation remains unchanged.