15.508348 Hockers Farm_update 160204

Item 18, Page 121                       Hockers Farm, Hockers Lane, Detling




Reference number: 15/508348


Amendment to Paragraphs 7.43 and 7.44


Paragraph 7.43 identified that land adjacent to the site was in the applicant’s ownership, this is now known to be incorrect.  As a result of this and following further discussions with the agent the receptor site for potential reptile populations would now be provided within the application site itself (within the red line).  The method for identifying an appropriate site, translocation, mitigation, enhancement and management of the reptile populations can be satisfactorily dealt with by way of planning condition (as outlined below).


Additional Paragraph to Section 7.0

Design Matters

Paragraph 56 of the NPPF states :

‘The Government attaches great importance to the design of the built environment. Good design is a key aspect of sustainable development, is indivisible from good planning, and should contribute positively to making places better for people.’

The proposed development would result in the re-use of an existing agricultural building.  The existing building has no particular design merit and constitutes an open-fronted agricultural building with a predominantly corrugated appearance.  The building is a fairly large structure and fundamentally agricultural by its appearance, design and existing use.

The proposed change of use would utilise the existing structure and form of the agricultural building.  The submitted structural report has sought to demonstrate that this would be feasible.  The proposed scheme would enclose the structure with the use of weatherboarding and provide glazing/fenestration to the front and rear elevations.  The openings would be of a scale and proportion fitting to the scale of the building.  The design would be simple and would respect its current agricultural use.

Overall the design is considered to be acceptable and would not cause significant harm the character and context of the site and its surroundings by reason of its design.

Amendments to conditions at Section 9.0

Amend reference to dpc in Condition’s 3 and 9 to read damp proof course.

Amend condition 7 relating to Ecology to read :

No development shall commence until a suitable receptor site for the translocation of reptiles has been identified within the site.  Details shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval together with details relating to a translocation, mitigation, enhancement and long term management strategy for the reptile populations.

Reason : To ensure that the reptile population identified within the submitted ecological report are adequately dealt with prior to commencement of development.

Recommendation : Grant planning permission as set out in Section 9.0 of the report subject to the amendments to Conditions 3, 7 and 9.