15-509547 Land rear Regal House_update 160204

Item 19, Page 135                            Rear Of Regal House, 11-13 Albion Place Maidstone, Kent


Reference number: 15/509547


Reason for call in:

Cllr English has called the application to committee due to concerns over the design quality and impact upon the Conservation Area.

Appeal history:

An application for a four storey building was dismissed at appeal (ref: 15/501366/OUT) on 5.10.2015.  The Inspector dismissed the appeal stating that a four storey building in this location would be at odds with the prevailing pattern of development within this part of the street scene and fail to promote or reinforce local distinctiveness.


Difference between the current proposal and dismissed appeal scheme:


  • Proposal approx. 1m lower in height than the dismissed appeal. 
  • Omission of 4th floor accommodation.
  • Pitched roof facing Albion Place rather than a gable end.
  • Eaves height of the main building reduced.


The proposed changes are considered to overcome the Inspectors reasons and the building would now be a maximum of three storeys in height, in accordance with the guidance in the Conservation Area Statement. The redesign of the main roof, lowered ridge and lowered eaves would reduce the roof height and massing in comparison to the appeal scheme, thus reducing the dominance of the building within the streetscape and setting of the conservation area. The simple pitched roof would be more in keeping and sensitive to the surrounding neighbouring developments along Queen Anne Road and the adjacent Conservation Area.


Amendment to conditions:

Change all references to dpc level to ‘damp proof course level’ and amend all relevant conditions accordingly.   



Recommendation remains unchanged.