Urgent Update: Item 22




Cllr Harwood has commented that he can see no specific reference to incorporating renewables into this proposed residential scheme, nor for any niches for wildlife (such as swift or bat bricks) to be built into the fabric of the development, or gaps to be introduced under proposed boundary fencing to allow movement of wildlife.

Officer Comments

A condition can be imposed relating to renewable energy and this is set out in the recommendation below.  

In relation to wildlife issues, condition 11 has already been imposed to ensure that a scheme of biodiversity enhancements for the site are included as set out in the additional recommendations of the Preliminary Ecological Appraisal report.  This includes gaps under hedging and fencing for hedgehog access, provision of bird boxes, provision of bat roosting spaces within the new buildings, planting of native species, establishing climbing plants on walls and other vertical structures and establishing wildflower plug/bulb planting in amenity grassland.  Therefore, it is considered that sufficient provision will be made for wildlife within the development via the imposition of condition 11 as set out in the committee report. 


That the following condition be imposed relating to renewable energy:

The development hereby approved shall not commence until details have been submitted for prior approval in writing by the Local Planning Authority of decentralised and renewable or low-carbon sources of energy and how they will be incorporated into the development. The approved details will be in place before first occupation of the development hereby approved and maintained as such at all times thereafter.

Reason: To secure an energy efficient and sustainable form of development to accord with the provision of the NPPF.