

Waste Stream


Planned Start Date

Waste prevention

Highlight food waste prevention and reduction advice for avoidable food waste - we will continue to promote the Fresher for Longer and Love Food Hate Waste campaigns.


Food waste

Education Officer

April 2016

Refresh and promote food waste service

Rebrand the food waste collection as “Food Recycling Collection” as this removes the negative connotation of “waste” which can instantly turn residents against the idea of using the service. This will then be advertised to residents along with the benefits of using the service.

Food waste

Waste Management Officer

April 2016

Highlight avoidable and unavoidable food waste

Highlight use of the food recycling collection service for unavoidable food waste and promote this. Highlight the avoidable waste of food and support this with advise for reducing avoidable food waste where possible.

Food waste

Education Officer


Food Waste Incentive Scheme

Strong promotion of the existing food waste incentive scheme- The Big Maidstone Food Waste Challenge including the activities set out in the bid for engagement and promotion- this will include targeted engagement and door knocking

Food waste

Recycling Officer

June 2016

“No Food Waste” stickers

Use of “No food waste please” stickers on all residents refuse bins to improve participation in the food recycling scheme and discourage disposal of food via the residual waste stream

Food waste

Recycling Officer

September 2016

Promotion of Garden Waste Collection Service

Actively promote the Council run garden waste collection service and also home composting


Garden waste

Education Officer

March 2017

Monitor uptake of garden schemes

Monitor uptake of the home compost bin offer and also increases in the use of the garden waste collection service.


Garden waste

Recycling Officer

March 2017

Christmas tree disposal options

Explore options for disposal of Christmas trees with our contractor and charities


Garden Waste

Waste Management Officer

September 2016

Reuse of bulky items

Seek to work with 3rd sector organisations and charities to promote reuse and recycling of bulky items

Bulky Waste

Waste Management Officer

June 2016

Bulky Waste Collection Service

Promote the council run bulky waste collection service

Bulky Waste

Education Officer

June 2016

Quality and capture of recyclate

Increasing recycling rate- Capture of materials & tackling contamination issues

Mixed dry recycling

Waste Management Officer

May 2016

Recycling communications

Focused communications to advice of the materials we are able to collect for recycling


Mixed dry recycling

Education Officer

May 2016

Recycling guide

Design and delivery of a borough wide household waste and recycling guide


All collections

Waste Management Officer

May 2016

Flats waste collection monitoring

Monitor flats collections and work with residents in flats and managing agents to promote correct use of the recycling service

Mixed dry recycling & food waste

Recycling Officer

June 2016

Flats recycling trials

Continue trials of alternative recycling apetures and reusable bags for in flats and monitor the success of different systems to encourage and facilitate recycling

Mixed dry recycling

Recycling Officer

June 2016

Kerbside textiles, WEEE & batteries

Promotion of the textiles, small WEEE and battery collection services

Kerbside textiles, WEEE & batteries

Education Officer

September 2016

Website information

Improvement to the waste and recycling information on our website


All collections

Waste Management Officer

May 2016

Contamination monitoring

Introduce robust monitoring and reporting of contamination by crews collecting recycling

Mixed dry recycling

Recycling Officer

May 2016

Collection crew education

Ensure that the crews are aware of what is acceptable and what is not acceptable for recycling

Mixed dry recycling

Education Officer

April 2016

Recycling engagement

Communicate to residents what we can collect for recycling in their green bins

Mixed dry recycling

Education Officer

On- going

Communication Plan

Update and implement the communications plan

All collections

Education Officer

On- going