Heritage, Culture and Leisure Committee Work Programme
Democratic Services Team |
This document sets out the decisions to be taken by the various Committees of Maidstone Borough Council on a rolling basis. This document will be published as updated with new decisions required to be made.
Committees hereby give notice that they intend to meet in private after its public meeting to consider reports and/or appendices which contain exempt information under Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended). The private meeting of any Committee is open only to Members of the Cabinet, other Councillors and Council officers.
Reports and/or appendices to decisions which Committees will take at their private meetings are indicated in the list below, with the reasons for the decision being made in private. Any person is able to make representations to the relevant Committee if he/she believes the decision should instead be made in the public part of that Committee meeting. If you want to make such representations, please email committeeservices@maidstone.gov.uk. You will then be sent a response in reply to your representations. Both your representations and the Committee’s response will be published on the Council’s website at least 5 working days before the Committee meeting.
Reports to be considered at any of the Committees’ public meeting will be available on the Council’s website (www.maidstone.gov.uk) a minimum of 5 working days before the meeting.
The Council actively encourages people to express their views on decisions it plans to make. This can be done by writing directly to the appropriate Officer or to the relevant Chairman of a Committee (details of whom are shown in the list below).
Alternatively, you can submit a question to the relevant Committee, details are on our website (www.maidstone.gov.uk).
Decision Maker and Date of When Decision is Due to be Made: |
Title of Report and Brief Summary: |
Contact Officer: |
Public or Private (if Private the reason why) |
Documents to be submitted (other relevant documents may be submitted) |
Heritage, Culture and Leisure Committee
Due Date: 7 June 2016 |
Bereavement Services Development Plan: Pet Crematorium |
Jennifer Shepherd |
(paragraph 3 – business/financial information)
Heritage, Culture and Leisure Committee
Due date: 5 July 2016 |
Sponsorship and Fundraising Policy |
Laura Dickson |
Public |
Heritage, Culture and Leisure Committee
Due date: 5 July 2016 |
Plaques and People Protocol |
Dawn Hudd |
Public |
Heritage, Culture and Leisure Committee
Due date: 5 July 2016 |
Disposal of Surrenden Playing Field |
Joanna Joyce |
Public |
Heritage, Culture and Leisure Committee
Due date: 5 July 2016 |
Bereavement Services Development Plan |
Jennifer Shepherd |
Public |
Heritage, Culture and Leisure Committee
Due date: 6 September 2016 |
Destination Management Plan – Action plan Update |
Laura Dickson |
Public |
Heritage, Culture and Leisure Committee
Due date: 6 September 2016 |
Land Maintenance Exchange |
Jennifer Shepherd |
Public |
Heritage, Culture and Leisure Committee
Due date: TBC |
10 Year Parks and Open Spaces Strategy
To be presented to the Committee as four separate option reports
Jason Taylor |
Public |
Heritage, Culture and Leisure Committee
Due date: TBC |
Public Art Policy |
Dawn Hudd |
Public |
Heritage, Culture and Leisure Committee
Due date: TBC |
Maidstone Town Centre Public Realm Design Guide |
Fran Wallis |
Public |
Heritage, Culture and Leisure Committee
Due date: TBC |
Update on Policy for the Use and Hire of Jubilee Square |
Fran Wallis |
Public |