Training and Communication on Information Management
Online learning modules rolled out across the council
Briefing at team meetings
Communication Plan for Information Management
interim Deputy Head of Legal Partnership is finalising the on-line learning
module for Data Protection. This will be rolled out from 1st
January 2017 and will be mandatory for all staff.
The residents survey identified that more work needed
to be done on developing residents involvement in decision making and how
informed residents feel about our services
An action plan will be developed and approved by
Policy and Resources Committee, a workshop has been held and analysis of the
results conducted
A further workshop is planned with Councillors and
Communications Team in July
follow up workshop was held with all councillors in July. Following the
workshop a communication and engagement strategy, focussed on promoting pride in the
borough, was developed and approved by Policy and
Resources at its meeting on 26 October 2016. This includes plans for how
residents can influence decisions affecting their local area. A new member
sounding board for communications is also being established.
Establishing Risk Appetite
Appetite reviewed and agreed by Policy and Resources Committee
continues on risk management. An update report was presented to Policy and
Resources Committee at its meeting on 26 October. Audit Governance and
Standards Committee members will be briefed on progress before the
Committee’s meeting on 21 November.
Audit Reviews with weak Assurance.
Plans and implementation dates have been put in place and agreed. Audit
reviews with weak assurance in 2015-16:
Mote Park and
Cobtree Cafe
now rated sound – the safeguarding policy has now been approved by Community
Housing and Environment Committee and will be rolled out across the council
with appropriate training.
Continuity is on track for the implementation of recommendations.
Park and Cobtree Café – 14 recommendations were made, of which 11 have been
completed, 1 is overdue and 2 are not yet due. Until the remaining 3
recommendations are implemented the assurance rating will remain at weak.