Item 13. Pages 6-41                                                               Land west of 70 Church Street

Reference number: 16/507491/FULL

5.0 Local Representations P9-10

The council has been made aware of a petition which was submitted to the council on Tuesday and includes approximately 196 signatures with postcodes. This requested that the council should refuse the application for the following reasons;

-       Type of development is unsustainable in Boughton Monchelsea due to a lack of essential services such as public transport and doctors

-       Access for vehicles and pedestrians would be unsafe due to restricted visibility caused by parking of cars on both sides of Church Street

-       The site has never been considered as suitable for residential use, quite the opposite it was considered as unsuitable in Maidstone Borough Council’s Regulation 18 Local Plan

-       The site does not form part of the emerging local plan, the site is outside the village envelope and would damage the open countryside

Officer comment -

These points have been raised previously and are covered in the report.


8.0 Appraisal

Correction in paragraph 8.2

Error in paragraph 8.2. Application was validated on the 28th April but the application form was actually dated the 5th April 2016.

However, legal advice was given on the basis of the application being submitted on the 5th April and thus the commentary within the report remains correct.


10.0 Recommendation

Add an additional condition 21 on page 29 as follows:

Prior to commencement of any development above slab level details of how renewable or low-carbon sources of energy will be incorporated into the development hereby approved shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.  The development shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details and all features shall be maintained thereafter.


Reason: To ensure an energy efficient form of development.  Details are required prior to commencements as these methods may impact or influence the overall appearance of development.



Update wording on page 24

The Head of Planning and Development BE  GIVEN DELEGATED POWERS TO GRANT planning permission subject to the completion of a suitably worded legal agreement, (including if necessary the negotiation of an off-site affordable housing contribution and NHS contribution), and subject to the imposition of the conditions set out below.