Pet Owner Contract for Households in Temporary Accommodation



The Landlord Maidstone Borough Council has given permission for the named Licensee/Tenant (hereafter called the Occupier)


1.         …………………………………………………………………………………………………


2.         …………………………………………………………………………………………………


to keep the named pet(s) listed within this document at the property


Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………….


The following pet owner’s contract outlines the conditions under which residents may keep pets at the above named property:


1.         The Occupier is responsible for the health and welfare of their pets in accordance with the Animal Welfare Act 2006. All owners have a duty of care to provide pets with a suitable diet, proper exercise and adequate health care.


2.         The Occupier must ensure that their pets do not cause a nuisance to neighbours or visitors; this includes damage to the property or excessive noise.


3.         We highly recommend that residents insure their pets, insurance will cover vets bills along with public liability (should your pets cause an accident or any damage).


4.         The Occupier must not allow their pets to roam freely in any internal communal areas of the property.


5.         The Occupier must look after the welfare needs of their pets, the accommodation you provide for your pet must be secure and suit the pets size/type and breed.


6.         The resident is responsible for keeping all areas of the property clean and free from parasites, such as fleas.


7.         Breeding of animals is not permitted.


8.         If we believe that a pet at the property has been neglected or abandoned, we will report the matter to an appropriate animal welfare organisation.


9.         Cats should be kept inside the property unless there is an exclusive garden. The Licensee must ensure that litter trays are regularly emptied and smells kept to a minimum.




If any of these regulations are broken we may withdraw permission to keep the pet(s) and the Occupier must find alternative accommodation for the pet. If the pet-owner fails to do this then it is likely that the terms of their occupation will have been breached.


I agree to abide by the terms of this agreement



The Occupier




On behalf of Maidstone Borough Council


Permission has been granted for the above Licensee to keep the pets listed on the Pet Information Form.


Pet Information:


Breed ………………………………………….. Species ……………………….


Colour …………………………………………. Sex …………………………….


Microchip (Number) ………………………………………………………………


Is the pet neutered?            Yes                            No                         Photo


Details of Pet 2


Breed ………………………………………….. Species ……………………….


Colour …………………………………………. Sex …………………………….


Microchip (Number) ………………………………………………………………


Is the pet neutered?            Yes                            No                         Photo




Details of Pet 3


Breed ………………………………………….. Species ……………………….


Colour …………………………………………. Sex …………………………….


Microchip (Number) ………………………………………………………………


Is the pet neutered?            Yes                            No                         Photo