Item 26 Pages 266 - 277 The Oast House, Pilgrims Way, Hollingbourne, Kent, ME17 1RB
Ref. 18/502003/FULL
Additional supporting information
In support of the application the applicants’ have submitted a letter from a Kent based holiday letting company which states that they are confident in the success of this venture as a profitable holiday letting business. The letting company state that the location is excellent being in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and on the Pilgrims Way/North Downs Way. The letter states that the huts will appeal to holiday guests looking for peace and quiet in beautiful countryside as well as walkers and nature lovers. The letter states that Shepherds huts are particularly appealing for holiday guests as they offer something different to normal home life.
The holiday letting company further state that Kent as a whole is a popular holiday destination for both UK holiday makers wanting to explore the Garden of England, the City of Canterbury and the historic coastal towns, as well as European visitors who can easily drive to the UK. The letting company state that holiday accommodation is also good for the local community bringing additional wealth to the area for shops, restaurants and tourist attractions.
Additional condition
As noted under the heading Ecology (para. 6.22) in the Appraisal section of the report, subject to details of external lighting to the proposed holiday let huts and within the site generally being controlled by planning condition, it is considered that any existing ecological interests at the site will be safeguarded. In line with the aims and objectives of policy DM3 of the adopted Local Plan it is recommended that a further condition be imposed on any grant of planning permission to secure ecological enhancements to the site as part of the development in the form of the provision of bird and bat boxes. The following additional condition is recommended:
(14) Prior to the first occupation of the holiday let units hereby permitted a minimum of two bat boxes and two bird boxes shall have been provided within the site in accordance with details, including locations within the site, which shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The bat boxes and bird boxes shall be maintained and retained thereafter in perpetuity;
Reason: In order to ensure the ecological/biodiversity interests of the site are safeguarded/enhanced.
The recommendation to GRANT planning permission remains unchanged subject to the above recommended additional condition.