Communities, Housing and Environment Committee




External Board/Outside Body


External Board/Outside Body

Cutbush and Corrall

Councillor(s) represented on the Outside Body/External Board

Clive English

Denise Joy

Report Author

Clive English

Date of External Board/Outside Body Meeting Attended

Buildings Committee 20th November

October Board Meeting



Purpose of the External Board/Outside Body:

The Charity exists to provide housing to people over 50 who demonstrate a genuine need and have a connection to the area. The Charity operates several sites in the Town Centre and  a site in Harrietsham 




The Charity is completing its 5 year programme to upgrade its properties and is also carrying out additional work to meet changed requirements in relation to EPC certification. It is undertaking the preliminary work to ascertain whether a new construction programme can be brought forward and what the investment strategy necessary to support this work would be.