Heritage, Leisure and Culture |
29th January 2019 |
Progress Report : Parks and Opens Spaces 10 year Strategic Plan |
Final Decision-Maker |
Heritage, Leisure and Culture Committee |
Lead Head of Service |
Jennifer Shepherd, Head of Environment & Public Realm |
Lead Officer and Report Author |
Andrew Williams, Parks and Open Spaces Manager |
Classification |
Public |
Wards affected |
All |
Executive Summary Heritage, Culture & Leisure Committee is asked to review the progress made in the delivery of the Parks and Open Spaces 10 Year Plan. The Committee is also asked to consider the comments and forward plan items. |
This report makes the following recommendations to this Committee: |
1. That the first annual summary of progress for Parks and Open Spaces 10 Year Strategic Plan is noted.
Timetable |
Meeting |
Date |
Heritage , Leisure & Culture Committee |
29th January 2019 |
Progress Report : Parks and Opens Spaces 10 year Strategic Plan |
1.1 The Parks and Open Spaces 10 Year Plan was agreed at HCL in July 2017 (Appendix 1). The adoption of the plan concluded over 12 months research and consultation into the future direction of the service and how our Parks and Open Spaces should be managed and protected for the future.
1.2 The 10 year plan included position statements on biodiversity, nature reserves, S106 contributions and adoption of open space. It also highlights the key links to Maidstone’s Strategic Plan and supporting strategies, as well as highlighting the challenges ahead.
1.3 The Plan sets out 3 priority areas:
· Open Spaces supporting Vibrant and Healthy Communities
· Open Spaces Fit for the Future
· Quality Spaces – Quality Service
From this six principles have been identified and four action areas.
1.4 The Parks and Opens Spaces team leading on the delivery of this strategy is comprised of experienced staff in the following roles;
- Parks and Open Spaces Manager
- Mote Park Officer
- Parks Projects Officer - (S106 schemes – 2 yr fixed term)
- Parks Officer
- Community Partnership Officer (Go Green Go Wild – 2 yr fixed term)
1.5 The team works on a wide variety of project based work, commissioning and procuring parks improvements, risk management and operational management issues. Customer service requests average 1200 per year.
1.6 Grounds Maintenance functions across the borough are delivered in-house by a team comprising:
- Grounds Maintenance Manager
- Supervisors x3
- Grounds staff x 39 (includes 3 apprentices )
Progress to date
1.7 The 10 year Plan is presented in four themes shown below, though there is significant cross working and impact felt across a number of these themes, for example Action areas 2, 3 and 4 all work to provide Action 1 ‘An Open Spaces Estate which best serves Maidstone’s needs’.
1.8 The tables below set out the actions within each Action Area and the projects and progress made.
Action Area 1 : An Open Spaces Estate which best serves Maidstone’s needs
i) Identify Maidstone’s needs
ii)Assess Current Provision against Identified Need
iii) Identify and formulate Site Management and Improvement Plans for Key Sites
iv)Implement Site Management and Investment Plans for key Sites
v) Assess and Implement Alternative Management Options for Non-key Sites
Action Area 2 : Providing Open Spaces for a Changing Population
i) Understanding Supply and Demands - now & future
ii) Ensure that the new supply delivers Principles & Priorities
iii) Develop robust protocols and management agreements to ensure long term quality is assured on new Open Space Sites
iv)Ensure Development contributes to open spaces which meet Maidstone’s needs
Action Area 3 : Connected Delivery - Multiple Benefits
i) Plan Strategically for Multiple Benefits
ii) Embed Cross-Sector Working
iii) Build Capacity and Community Support
iv) Develop a ‘Quality of Life Programme’
v) Develop a Biodiversity Enhancement Programme
Action Area 4 : Working Smarter
i) Take a Whole-council Approach
ii)Assess Income generation potential of all sites
iii) Review Service Delivery and Implement Improvements
iv) Review & improve
· Develop Parks and Open Spaces Key Performance indicators during 2019-20 |
v) Forward Plan
· Annual Work-plan to be agreed with Management team & HCL |
vi) Implement an External Funding Programme
· No action to date |
vii) Communicate Effectively
· Regular contributions to ’365 Good News Stories’ · Annual ‘Tweet-athon’ · Parks Newsletter circulation approx. 1000 · Responsive to press and media enquiries
Forward Planning
Parks and Open Spaces Stakeholder group |
2019 |
Quality Value Matrix to be developed |
2020-22 |
Develop Parks and Open Spaces KPI’s during 2019 |
2019-20 |
Mapping exercise to be undertaken by GIS (Geographical Information Systems) team to plot Access to Nature deficit – considering ANGSt (Accessible Natural Greenspace Standards) |
2019 |
Local Nature Reserve - review |
2019 |
Biodiversity /Community Engagement (Go Green Go Wild)
2019-2020 |
2.1 This report is presented for information only.
3.1 None
4.1 This report is presented for information only, committees, managers and
heads of service can use the information to identify service performance, progress and understand risk.
5.1 This report is presented to inform Members on progress made during 2018 on Maidstone’s Parks and Open Spaces 10 year Strategic Plan 2017-2027 that was adopted by HCL Committee on 4th July 2017.
6.1 None
Issue |
Implications |
Sign-off |
Impact on Corporate Priorities |
As outlined in the Plan, this work contributes to a number of the priorities within the Strategic Plan, both directly and indirectly. |
Head of Environment & Public Realm |
Risk Management |
Already covered in the risk section |
Head of Environment & Public Realm |
Financial |
The projects described in this report are all within already approved budgetary headings and so need no new funding for implementation.
[Section 151 Officer & Finance Team] |
Staffing |
We will deliver the recommendations with our current staffing.
Head of Environment & Public Realm |
Legal |
There are no specific legal implications at present as this report is presented for information only. |
Team Leader (Corporate Governance) MKLS |
Privacy and Data Protection |
Not applicable There are no specific privacy or data protection issues to address. |
Team Leader (Corporate Governace) MKLS |
Equalities |
This report is for noting and does not propose a change in service therefore will not require an equalities impact assessment |
[Policy & Information Manager] |
Crime and Disorder |
Not applicable |
[Head of Service or Manager] |
Procurement |
Not applicable.
[Head of Service & Section 151 Officer] |
The following documents are to be published with this report and form part of the report:
Appendix 1 – Maidstone’s Parks and Open Spaces 10 year Strategic Plan 2017-2027