Item 16, Pages 99-122                  Cobtree Manor Golf Course, Chatham Road, Sandling, Maidstone, Kent, ME14 3AZ


Ref: 18/504490/FULL


Condition 3 to be amended to correct an error in the listing of a plan.


Two further conditions recommended in regards to ecology and highways matters.


1.    Representation from KCC Ecology received on 19/02/19 recommending an additional condition for a detailed ecological mitigation, restoration and monitoring strategy for the temporary access road.


2.    Request by KCC Highways for the submission of a Construction Management Plan before the commencement of any development which is referenced in paragraph 6.41 of the report.




Amend condition 3 to read as follows:


(3)          The upgrade, re-model and re-contour of the site (drawing no. P100 Rev E) shall be implemented only in accordance with the level details as shown on the following approved plans:


1697.02 Rev A (Proposed New Layout & Grading Plan), 1697.03 Rev A (Cross Sections) and 1697.11 (Short Course & Footgolf Course)


Reason: In the interests of landscape, visual impact and amenity of the area and to ensure a satisfactory appearance to the development.


Additional conditions to be added:


(22)    Prior to works commencing a detailed ecological mitigation, restoration and monitoring strategy for the temporary access road must be submitted for written approval to the Local Planning Authority.  The strategy must include the following:


  • Botanical survey of the LWS (provide base line data for the monitoring)
  • Aims and objectives of the strategy
  • Detailed methodology to do the following:
    • Carry out the works to create the access road and
    • Protect the soils/turfs during construction
    • Restore the LWS following completion of the works.
  • Timings of the proposed works
  • Details of who will be carrying out the works
  • Map showing the area to be impacted and where the soils/turfs will be stored
  • Details of long term monitoring
  • Details of management of the restored LWS – to be informed by the long term monitoring


The works must be implemented as detailed within the strategy.


Reason: To protect and enhance the ecology and biodiversity on the site


(23)    The development hereby approved shall not commence until a Construction Management Plan has been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority. The construction Management Plan shall include the following:


(a) Routing of construction and delivery vehicles to / from site

(b) Timing of deliveries       


The works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved Construction Management Plan.


Reason: To protect residential amenity




    Recommendation remains unchanged subject to the above amendments.


    Approve subject to conditions