Urgent Update for Item 20:
18/505607/FULL- Iden Park Service Station
Update to para. 5.26 of the report in relation to re-consultation with KCC Highways;
KCC Highways has assessed the revised site plan (received 7 Feb 2019) demonstrating that an increased number of car parking spaces (28 in total) will be provided. In addition, further details have been submitted in respect of the total number of staff the proposals are anticipated to employee (a maximum of 7 people). Consequently, a maximum of 29 car parking spaces is required in accordance with SPG4. Given the maximum nature of SPG4 the parking provision is considered to be in accordance with policy and acceptable to this authority.
In addition, the applicant provided further details in respect of the arrangements for car transporters. Having reviewed the site layout it is accepted that there is sufficient space for such a vehicle to unload within the site and then egress back on the public highway in a forward manner.
KCC Highways raises no objection subject to the condition requesting the submission of Construction Management Plan, including parking and turning areas for construction, provision of wheel washing facilities, temporary traffic management/signage, etc.
Officer’s Comment:
The proposed conditions relates to highways issue which are covered by Highway legislation and not Planning legislation, therefore, I do not consider the proposed conditions meet the test of imposition to this small scale development. It is considered appropriate to remind the Applicant on these highway matters as an informative.