Item 1, Page 25

Item 17

Page 82




Hen And Duckhurst Farm,  

Marden Road





One further representation has been received raising the following (summarised) relevant points:


·      There have been many breaches of the conditions by the developer including early working, mud on roads, unlit roundabout, noise, to name but a few.

·      Responsibility should not be passed to the environmental team.


Officer Comment


We are advised by the Community Protection Team that there has been one complaint received regarding early working since the previous committee meeting on 27th June but no complaints regarding any other conditions at the site.


Update on Community Protection Team Investigation


·      The CPT opened their investigation in June after the first complaints were received.

·      The CPT has been contacted by 7 residents – 6 in June, 1 in August.

·      All were advised of the Council’s noise investigation procedure and requirement to complete a noise diary.

·      No noise diaries have been returned to-date.

·      Two monitoring visits have been undertaken and no noise nuisance was witnessed on either occasion.

·      On receipt of a recent complaint in early August the CPT case officer contacted the resident and attended the site unannounced on 12th August at 7.30am. There were some vehicles and workers on site but no noisy works were being carried out.