Item 1, Page 25

Item 11



Little Spitzbrook Farm, Haviker Street

Pages 62-118



Additional Representation


Letter received from the owner of Little Spitzbrook Barn including photographs showing the views from the garden areas of Little Spitzbrook Barn and 1 and 2 Haviker Street towards Little Spitzbrook Farm with the conifers removed from the boundary areas.



Representation received from Agent-


A further representation has been received from the Agent setting out comments on the report and including further supporting information which has been submitted to PINS for the conjoined appeals referred to in the planning report. This further information has been emailed to Members of the Planning Committee by the agent as lobbying material. This includes an updated Flood Risk Assessment, which assess the Sequential and Exception test and an updated Flood Evacuation Plan.


The representation also includes rebuttal comments to those representations set out in the report, comments on the Conservation Officer’s previous comments and comments on the contents of the report. 


This does not change the recommendation as set out in papers.