From: James Williams PC
46011187 <>
Sent: 13 September 2020 17:47
To: Lorraine Neale <>'Raj R';; Licensing West Division Kent
<>; Louise Davis
Subject: RE: German Donner Kebab - 20/01813/LAPRE
All concerned,
Kent Police are willing to withdrawn their representation in relation to this application subject to the conditions forming part of the new licence.
Please do not hesitate in contacting me to discuss.
From: Lorraine Neale
Sent: 11 September 2020 10:08
To: 'Raj R' <
Subject: RE: German Donner Kebab - 20/01813/LAPRE
Good Morning Raj
Thank you for confirming your agreement to Police conditions, I’m sure they will confirm and withdraw their reps shortly, I will make contact with the 2nd party and make them aware, I will advise you of the outcome.
Kind Regards
Lorraine Neale
Senior Licensing Officer
Maidstone Borough Council, Maidstone House, King Street, Maidstone, Kent ME15 6JQ
t 01622 602528 e w
From: Raj R <
Sent: 11 September 2020 10:02
To: Lorraine Neale <>
Subject: Re: German Donner Kebab - 20/01813/LAPRE
Hi Lorraine
We are happy to accept the police conditions so they can withdraw their reps.
Regarding the other objector please can you make them aware of the following:
We will have full CCTV coverage
Safety of our staff is very important and as soon as we have any issues with patrons we will then have a security guard just like McDonalds.
No Noise report as we won’t be the only ones trading at that time. We will attract the same late night patrons as the existing surrounding businesses.
Hopefully this will satisfy the objector’s concerns and they will also withdraw their rep.
Please discuss with the objector and let me know if they are happy and we can get our license sorted.
Thank you.
On 8 Sep 2020, at 13:42, Lorraine Neale <> wrote:
Dear Mr Dhillon
Please be advised that we have received representations in relation to this application and so a hearing will be arranged, you can accept the Police conditions be applied which are fairly standard and they will then withdraw their reps. The other objector is a resident, I have attached both the submissions she made as they are slightly different from each other. If you feel you can offer anything to the objector that will encourage them to withdraw then I am quite happy to mediate between parties, you can obviously contact them directly. If you do communicate with the Other Party could you just let me know. I will be in contact with a hearing date once it has been arranged.
Kind Regards
Lorraine Neale
Senior Licensing Officer
Maidstone Borough Council, Maidstone House, King Street, Maidstone, Kent ME15 6JQ
t 01622 602528 e w