15 APRIL 2021


Security Industry Authority Licence Regulations


Final Decision-Maker


Lead Head of Service

John Littlemore

Head of Housing and Community Services

Lead Officer and Report Author

John Littlemore




Wards affected



Executive Summary


The Government sponsored body is introducing a number of amendments to the Security Industry Authority (SIA) Licence Regulations. The SIA is often used as a stipulation for Door Supervisors at licensed venues and events. This briefing note will update Members of the Committee on the forthcoming changes to the SIA.


Purpose of Report





This report makes the following recommendations to this Committee:

1.   To note the forthcoming changes to the SIA requirements and training.







Licensing Committee


Security Industry Authority Licence Regulations







Impact on Corporate Priorities

The four Strategic Plan objectives are:


·         Embracing Growth and Enabling Infrastructure

·         Safe, Clean and Green

·         Homes and Communities

·         A Thriving Place


Head of Housing & Community Services

Cross Cutting Objectives

The four cross-cutting objectives are:


·         Heritage is Respected

·         Health Inequalities are Addressed and Reduced

·         Deprivation and Social Mobility is Improved

·         Biodiversity and Environmental Sustainability is respected


Head of Housing & Community Services

Risk Management

The report is for information only


Head of Housing & Community Services


·         There are no financial implications for the Council resulting from the regulatory changes.


Head of Housing & Community Services


·         There are no staffing implications for the Council resulting from the regulatory changes

Head of Housing & Community Services


·         The report advises on regulatory changes being implemented by the government.


Head of Housing & Community Services]

Privacy and Data Protection

·         None directly for the Council


Head of Housing & Community Services


·         The recommendation does not propose a change in service therefore will not require an equalities impact assessment

Head of Housing & Community Services

Public Health



·         We recognise that the regulatory changes will have a positive impact on population health or that of individuals.


Head of Housing & Community Services

Crime and Disorder

·         The recommendation will have a positive impact on reducing Crime and Disorder. The Community Protection Team have been consulted and mitigation has been proposed

Head of Housing & Community Services


·         Not applicable

Head of Housing & Community Services





2.1        The Security Industry Authority (SIA) is the regulator of the UK’s private security industry. The SIA is an executive non-departmental public body, sponsored by the Home Office. The SIA was created by the Private Security Industry Act 2001. The Act sets out what the SIA can and cannot do.


2.2        The SIA has two main duties:


      licensing people who carry out specific roles in the private security industry, and

      approving private security companies who wish to be part of the Approved Contractor Scheme


2.3        The SIA also:


      sets and approves standards of conduct and training,

      monitors the activities of people operating within the private security industry,

      makes recommendations on ways to improve standards in the private security industry.


2.4        Members of the Licensing Committee will be most familiar with the SIA in relation to a Door Supervisor licence. This applies if:


      The employee provides a physical presence to guard against damage, theft, unauthorised access or disorderly behaviour

      The work is in relation to licensed premises

      The employee works when the premises are open to the public, at times when alcohol is being supplied for consumption, or regulated entertainment is being provided on the premises


2.5        ‘Licensed premises’ in this context means a venue that has a licence to sell alcohol and/or provide regulated entertainment (for example, live music or film screenings).


2.6        The requirement for a door supervisor licence applies if either the person is employed as part of a contract for services or employed directly by the company running the event.


2.7        A SIA licence is also required if the work is part of a ‘contract for services’ and involves any of the following licensable activities:


      guarding people against physical assault or injury (close protection)

      guarding property against damage or theft and transporting it in a vehicle designed for secure transportation (cash and valuables in transit)

      guarding premises, property or people by using CCTV equipment (public space surveillance (CCTV))

      keeping, or controlling access to, any key or device for operating a lock (key holding)

      managing or supervising anyone carrying out the licensable activities listed above, including security guarding and door supervision


3     Changes to the SIA Training


3.1        The SIA has announced amendments to the training requirements for front line SIA licence-holders. The SIA website states that the changes are required to make sure that people working in the private security industry can keep the public safe; follow new working practices; understand recent changes to the law; and make the best use of new technology. These new requirements will start in April and October 2021. 

The changes include:


3.2        From 1st April 2021:

    Updated qualifications will be introduced for all sectors except Close Protection and vehicle immobilisation.

    Applicants will be required to have a first aid qualification before applying for a Door Supervisor or Security Guard licence.


3.3        From 1st October 2021:

·      Updated Close Protection qualifications will be introduced.

·      Applicants will be required to have one of the new qualifications or take top-up training before applying for a Door Supervisor and Security Guard licence – this includes all renewals.


3.4        Applicants for a close protection licence are already required to complete a first aid qualification before taking their licence-linked training.  This requirement will be extended to include applicants for a door supervisor or security guard licence from 1 April 2021.


3.5        The first aid training requirement will apply if the applicant is applying for a licence for the first time or it has been more than 3 years since the applicant last held a licence for that activity. From 1 October 2021, the first aid requirement will also apply to all licence renewals.


3.6        The qualification must be an Emergency First Aid at Work qualification or equivalent. “Equivalent” qualifications are defined as those that comply with the relevant guidance from the Health and Safety Executive.


3.7        Other critical updated training areas have been moved to the ‘common unit’ module taken by all security operatives. This includes new training on terror threat awareness and dealing with emergencies.


3.8        New sector-specific content has also been added, for example the close protection course includes new material on physical intervention; the door supervision course includes new material on the use of equipment such as body worn video recorders and breathalysers; the public space surveillance (CCTV) course includes new material on CCTV operational procedures and the law; and the security guarding course includes new material covering personal safety.


3.9        The number of practical elements in the training has been increased to help learners reinforce their knowledge, including searching; dealing with conflict; report/statement writing; and using communications devices.


3.10     The additional and new training elements should all contribute to staff becoming a more informed professional who is better equipped to manage the range of situations that they find themselves in whether as a Door Supervisor at a night-time venue or providing security at one of the large events located in Maidstone.





4.1        To note the content of the report






More information about the SIA, including a frequently asked questions page on the new changes, can be found on the following website address: