Responses from Housing Association partners to the draft Tenancy Strategy 2021-26


Housing Association


MBC Response

English Rural

No amendments suggested.


Golding Homes

Suggestion around pre tenancy training, which is currently offered to applicants who are nominated to housing association partners.

Agreed to incorporate into the tenancy introduction.

Gravesend Churches HA

Positive feedback received.


Home Group

Positive feedback received.


MHS Homes

Following the last review of their own tenancy strategy, MHS decided against fixed term tenancies.  All their affordable rents are fixed to LHA rates or less.  In conclusion, MBC’s draft strategy is aligned to their own policy.


Moat Housing

Positive feedback received.


Orbit Housing

Although Orbit currently use fixed term tenancies, they are in the process of reviewing its use and are looking to introduce 1 year probationary tenancies that convert to a lifetime tenancy.

Orbit do not use fixed term tenancies in their older person accommodation.

When developing new housing, Orbit appraise each scheme to determine whether they can primarily be let at a social rent. Where the scheme is delivered at an affordable rent, the level is capped to the Local Housing Allowance rate.



Optivo supports the draft strategy.


One point of clarification:

‘Where appropriate, tenancies should be re-issued at the end of the term unless there is a change of circumstance within the household. For example, a change in financial circumstances, household composition, etc. in which case the Council may decide to offer
an alternative equivalent tenancy at another address, which might be with a Registered Provider of social housing.’

What is meant by ‘a change in financial circumstances’, and how might that affect the re-issuing of a tenancy?

The original government policy behind the Tenancy Strategy was to encourage those that could afford alternative housing would be encouraged to do so, thereby freeing up social housing for those most in need. This policy approach has since become unfavoured and the original intention to provide statutory guidance around financial means was not published.


An alternative form of words has been included in the final draft of the Tenancy Strategy to read:


Where appropriate, tenancies should be re-issued at the end of the term unless there is a significant change of circumstance within the household. For example, a change in household composition that means the property is under-occupied etc. in which case the Council may decide to offer a property more suited to the tenant’s needs on the same terms and conditions.’


Sage HA

Positive feedback received.


Town and Country

Positive feedback received.


Town and Country are no longer using Fixed Term Tenancies and are now using a one year starter tenancy followed by an assured tenancy.


West Kent Housing Association

Positive feedback received.

For point 3 probationary/starter tenancy – consider changing ‘abide by its conditions’ to ‘manage their tenancy well’

For the heading - Single and childless couples under 55 – consider changing to “Single and couples with no children” – as this is a more sensitive way of phrasing the description.



Suggestion incorporated into the final draft



Suggestion incorporated into the final draft