Appendix A
Housing Allocation Scheme
Table of Amendments
Section |
Current wording |
Amended wording |
Reason for amendment |
9.5 |
Returning Resident – the applicant must have been residing in the borough for a continuous period of at least 2 of the last 5 years but does not currently live within Maidstone Borough. The only exception to this are applicants being released from prison where their sentence exceeds 5 years. The Senior Homechoice Officer may accept an applicant as being a returning resident in exceptional circumstances.
Returning Resident – the applicant must have been residing in the borough for a continuous period of at least 2 of the last 5 years and may not currently live within Maidstone Borough. The only exceptions to this are applicants being released from prison where their sentence exceeds 5 years. The Senior Homechoice Officer may accept an applicant as being a returning resident in exceptional circumstances.
Clarification that applicants who are currently living in the borough may also qualify for local connection eligibility through being a past resident, in addition to those who are not currently residing in the Borough. |
9.6 |
n/a |
Applicants who currently hold a social housing tenancy in their name within Maidstone Borough will automatically meet the local connection criteria.
This will enable existing social housing tenants to move between housing stock easier. |
9.8 |
Persons placed in Maidstone Borough by another local housing authority under the provision of the homelessness legislation will not become eligible for an offer of accommodation until the period of 5 years has expired from the date of their placement and would not amount to a local connection for other family members under paragraph 9.3. When a Relief Duty may be owed under Part 7 of the Housing Act 1996, the Homechoice and Strategy Manager may use discretion for the purpose of enabling a referral to another local authority.
Persons placed in Maidstone Borough by another local housing authority under the provision of the homelessness legislation will not become eligible to meet the local connection criteria stated in paragraphs 9.2, 9.5 and 9.6 above until the period of 5 years has expired from the date of their placement and their tenancy within Maidstone Borough would not amount to a local connection for other family members under paragraph 9.3. When a Relief Duty may be owed under Part 7 of the Housing Act 1996, the Homechoice and Strategy Manager may use discretion for the purpose of enabling a referral to another local authority.
This amendment provides clarity to those who are able to appear on the Housing Register, rather than just being excluded from being nominated for a new tenancy through the Housing Register. |
11.4 |
Applicants who currently hold a social housing tenancy in their name within Maidstone Borough will not need to meet the financial circumstances qualifying criteria.
This removes the financial cap for existing tenants, as their transfer will not result in a net loss of available stock and will enable existing social housing tenants to move between housing stock more easily. |
11.6 |
A household’s gross income of £40,000 will also constitute sufficient financial means. This figure includes any benefits received. |
A household’s gross income of £50,000 will also constitute sufficient financial means. This figure includes any benefits received. |
Increase of household’s income to meet the qualifying criteria reflects that the cap has not been raised in 10 years. |
11.9 |
The Senior Homechoice Officer has the discretion to accept exceptional cases where the applicant’s financial circumstances may mean securing alternative housing (e.g. privately renting) may prove difficult given the household’s needs. |
In exceptional cases, the criteria as stated in section 11 can be overruled. |
Appendix A |
EEA Nationals, but not UK citizens
Non-EEA Nationals
Applicants who are not UK citizens will need to meet the eligibility criteria as stated in the current guidance issued by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government and provide the relevant evidence.
Non-UK citizens will need to meet the latest eligibility criteria as issued by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government. |