Item 14


Ref: 21/503150/FULL




The Old Forge

Chartway Street

East Sutton





Additional representation received

Re-consultation was carried out on the additional landscaping plan submitted.

Five additional letters of representation have been received from three households, these re-iterate and elaborate on previous representation (as set out at paragraph 4.0 of the 24th March 2022 report), raising in summary the followings matters :

-       Ecology concerns, missed presence of two ponds, bats, badgers, hedgehogs, foxes and field mice.

-       Loss of existing employment

-       Houses not in keeping with vernacular design and linear form along Chartway Street.

-       No significant change in proposal from previously refused schemes.

-       Unsustainable location.

-       Traffic surveys out if date.

-       Reliance on private vehicles

-       No justification for new housing on greenfield land

-       Weatherboarding no appropriate material.

-       Poor accessibility and visibility.

Recommendation remains unchanged