Chart 1: Fleet Selection Decision ProcessCost Viability- Calculate the Whole Life Costs (WLC) of this vehicle
- What is the comparison with the existing vehicle?

Use the Cost Viability Matrix to determine whether purchasing this vehicle is financially viable.
Can the decision be delayed?
Could another vehicle be used? 
Consider purchase or lease interim vehicle.

YESNODIESEL- What is the Euro standard?
- telematics installed to reduce emissions through driver behaviour
Vehicle SelectedNOYES- commercially viable option
- Range
- Payload
- Spec. requirements

Does it meet the business needs?
HYBRIDNOIs a viable electric alternative due to the market in the next 12-24 months?YES- commercially viable option
- Range
- Payload
- Spec. requirements

Does it meet the business needs?
ELECTRICWhat Vehicle Options are available?
- market availability
-  commercially viable alternatives

- running costs
- market opportunities
- future business needs
Revise vehicle replacement programme
NOFleet Reduction
Vehicle disposed of and replaced with existing vehicle
YESIs there another vehicle within the fleet that could be used?YESFleet Reduction
Vehicle disposed of and not replaced
NOIs the vehicle needed to meet the business need?
- Does it fulfil a statutory obligation?
- Does it delivery a Corporate Objective?
- What are the consequences of not having this vehicle?
YESNODoes the vehicle require replacing / ordering now?
Does it have 
- high downtime?
- high running costs?
- high mileage?
- What is the Euro standard?
Green Fleet Strategy:

Fleet Selection Process