Key to performance ratings
Direction |
Performance has improved |
Previous data not captured |
Performance has declined |
N/A |
No previous data to compare |
RAG Rating |
Target not achieved |
Target slightly missed (within 10%) |
Target met |
Data Only |
Performance Summary
Green |
Amber |
Red |
N/A[1] |
Total |
KPIs |
9 |
1 |
1 |
10 |
21 |
Direction |
Up |
No Change |
Down |
N/A |
Total |
Last Quarter |
10 |
2 |
5 |
4 |
21 |
Last Year |
9 |
0 |
5 |
7 |
21 |
· 75.0% (9 of 12) the targetable quarterly key performance indicators (KPIs) reportable to this Committee achieved their Quarter 4 (Q4) target1.
· Compared to last quarter (Q3 2023/24), performance for 58.82% (10 of 17) KPIs have improved, and 29.41% (5 from 17) have declined1.
- Compared to last year (Q4 2022/23), performance for 64.28% (9 of 14) KPIs improved, and 35.71% (5 of 14) KPIs have declined1.
Planning and Healthier Stronger Communities Q4 Performance
Performance Indicator |
Q4 2023/24 |
Value |
Target |
Status |
Short Trend (Last Quarter) |
Long Trend (Last Year) |
Healthier Stronger Communities |
Footfall at the Museum and Visitors Information Centre |
11,175 |
12,500 |
Number of users at the Leisure Centre |
128,949 |
127,476 |
Number of outreach projects/work undertaken by the Hazlitt |
12 |
N/A |
Percentage of tickets sold at the Hazlitt |
73.55% |
50% |
Market Hall Occupancy Percentage |
82.42% |
75% |
N/A |
Percentage change in Utility costs for the leisure centre |
+1.09% Jul-Dec 2023 |
N/A |
N/A |
Planning Policy and Management |
Percentage of priority 1 enforcement cases dealt with in time |
100% |
98% |
Percentage of priority 2 enforcement cases dealt with in time |
97.06% |
92% |
Number of enforcement complaints received |
110 |
Open planning enforcement cases (as at start of month) (see graph below) |
305 |
Number of enforcement cases closed (see graph below) |
110 |
Processing of planning applications: Major applications (NI 157a) |
100.00% |
90.00% |
Processing of planning applications: Minor applications (NI 157b) |
98.06% |
95.00% |
Processing of planning applications: Other applications (NI 157c) |
100.49% |
98.00% |
Percentage of planning applications meeting Biodiversity Net Gain 20% adopted standard |
Data not available until 2024/25 |
MBC Success rate at planning appeals with a rolling 12-month period |
69.61% |
70% |
N/A |
New additional homes provided (NI 154) |
Annual Indicator |
Footfall in the Town Centre |
6,546,326 |
6,187,514 |
Percentage of vacant retail units in the town centre |
Annual Indicator |
Percentage of unemployed people in Maidstone |
3.16% |
Number of youths unemployed (18-24) |
1,825 |
At the request of the previous PIED policy advisory committee, the graph below is provided to show tracking of the open caseload of the Planning Enforcement team each month, from April 2022 to date. The Q4 data for this can also be found in the table above.
Comments (where targets have been missed)
The Museum
The KPI tracking the “Footfall at the Museum and Visitors Information Centre” achieved a total of 11,175 visitors against a target of 12,500. This represents a shortfall of 1,325 visitors, or approximately 11% below the target. Despite a busy February half term, week days were quiet, recording low visitor figures. However, we would expect to see much better figures in 2024/25, with the new ‘Museum What’s On’ Flier, communicating to members of the public about exciting activities to take part in at the Museum. Additionally, Carriage Museum figures are positive and the launch of the new Gallery is expected to boost figures enormously.
Development Management
Although the KPI for "MBC Success Rate in Planning Appeals over a 12-month rolling period" fell short of its target by a small margin, achieving 69.61% to a target of 70.00%, it's notable that there has been a consistent improvement in the success rate since the measuring of the metric began, rising from 61.54% in quarter one to 69.61% in quarter four.