From: publicaccess@sevenoaks.gov.uk <publicaccess@sevenoaks.gov.uk>
Sent: Monday, July 8, 2024 10:27 AM
To: Louise Davis <LouiseHicks@Maidstone.gov.uk>
Subject: Comments for Licensing Application 24/02474/LAPRE
Dear Sir/Madam, Licensing Application comments have been made. A summary of the comments is provided below. Comments were submitted at 08/07/2024 10:27 AM from Mr Bradley Older.
From: Nath Older
Sent: 08 July 2024 12:45
To: Licensing <licencing@sevenoaks.gov.uk>
Subject: License application 24/02474/LAPRE
EXTERNAL EMAIL: Exercise caution unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. |
Dear Sir/Madam
I am writing to you regarding a proposed license application (Reference 24/02474/LAPRE). I am concerned about this application for a company to hold regular festival events with amplified live music and the sale of alcohol at a location so close to my property. I am already having issue's with a similar company (Musket Brewery) who are doing something similar already. The venue is located just so the live music is very loud and goes on very late which means I cannot relax outside at my own home. There is already a big increase in traffic down the country lane the venue is located (Loddington Lane) so having more Live music on site will only add to this.
Weekends are now already regularly uncomfortable with the noise disturbance and will only get worse with more live music. There is also a camp site for the customers to stay over night which is so even after the music stops at 11pm, there is still a lot of noise coming from the camp site with many people being drunk and loud. Then we also get the customers who don't camp so they walk home and that is right past my house so there is a constant flow of drunk people walking past my house even up to midnight. So in the warm summer months when windows are open we hear a lot of shouting/singing and laughing.
In the past Blue Reef have held events and festivals but these were at the other end of the farm on which it is located which is nearly 2km from my property. So for them to want to put on regular live music so close to me would severely lower the quality of life for myself and my wife who are well in to our 60's and just want to enjoy the remainder of our lives in peace and quiet.
Kind Regards
Mr J Older
From: Linda Malthouse
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2024 3:57 PM
To: Licensing <licencing@sevenoaks.gov.uk>
Cc: Licensing Officers <Licensing.Officers@sevenoaks.gov.uk>
Subject: Blue Reef (UK) Ltd, for the Premises Blue Reef Music Venue, Loddington Farm, Unit 5 Loddington Lane, Linton, ME17 4AG - No reference Number shown
EXTERNAL EMAIL: Exercise caution unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
Dear Sirs,
Re: Application for Music Licence by the Above
I live at
I have just seen the public notice exhibited on the fence belonging to Linton Park Estates not Loddington Farm, further it is not in a particularly prominent position and was back to front.
I wish to object to this application in the strongest possible terms. Loddington Farm falls within a semi rural area with many other fields surrounding it, as a result sound travels over considerable distances eg when Rocking Robin had a music licence their music was clearly audible in my garden and it is much further away than Loddington Farm.
It is difficult to think of a more inappropriate development in this relatively quiet area. I can think of nothing worse than being subjected to live music 8 hours a day seven days a week. Sound pollution is a major nuisance causing considerable stress. One is entitled to the quiet enjoyment of your home and garden without loud music blaring out, and is unthinkable for such extended periods. Although the application states unlikely to open every day that is still what is applied for and may they well open for extended periods. It is entirely unacceptable.
Yours faithfully
L. H. Malthouse
From: Denise Geeves
Sent: 22 July 2024 20:20
To: Licensing licencing@sevenoaks.gov.uk
Subject: 24/02474/LAPRE | Premises Licence | Open for Consultation | Loddington Farm Unit 5 Loddington Lane Linton Kent ME17 4AG
EXTERNAL EMAIL: Exercise caution unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
Good evening
Reference: 24/02474/LAPRE | Premises Licence | Open for Consultation | Loddington Farm Unit 5 Loddington Lane Linton Kent ME17 4AG
Blue Reef (UK) Limited Application for a Premises Licence under the Licensing Act 2003
Firstly I would like to say that this evening, 22nd July 2024 at about 18:00, a piece of paper was pushed through my letter box – I know not by whom – and that this is the very first notification of any kind I have seen of this application, made by what is after all a FARM in a RURAL area, to be permitted to play live or recorded music to an audience that SHOULD NOT reach more than 300 people at a time, EVERY DAY should they choose to do so, from 15:00-23:00.
Section P item b) already acknowledges that LARGER EVENTS are planned.
I live opposite the area which it is proposed will be used as a daily live music venue. I have heard their music inside my home and in my garden whenever such events have been held in the past. I have never objected to those occasional events.
This proposal has the capacity to make my life a misery.
I choose to live in a peaceful, quiet village within the Kentish countryside, and paid for the privilege of doing so. I didn’t choose to buy a property within Maidstone town centre’s club and entertainment district.
Applying for such a licence for 2 days a week at the weekend, maybe even with additional occasional extensions over Bank Holidays, might be a reasonable request – but if this application is granted as submitted, it’s a fairly safe bet that I will be listening to their music until 11pm and enduring crowds of intoxicated people exiting the venue, not to mention having to look at a proliferation of the endless handmade signs I already have to endure opposite my home, displayed on the roadside verges by the Farm Shop, every single afternoon and evening throughout the spring and summer.
Granting such an open ended licence is utterly inappropriate - there MUST be enforceable operational limits placed on any licence granted.
I have cut and pasted and copied below in italics the general description from Part 3, Operating Schedule of the applicant’s application to evidence that I have used their own words in my representation in my objections to their proposal.
I have also highlighted the sentence that doesn’t seem to make any sense and which I don’t understand, as well as their later statement about proposed LARGER EVENTS.
Blue Reef Music Venue is opening premises for occasional outdoor live music evening. The audience should not reach more than 300 people at one time. The venue will not be open every day but more like few times a month (subject to weather) but would like to gain full premises licence to have the flexibility.
The music won't be played by 11pm. We would like to stress that the venue will be only open when music is being played.
Further on within the Application it is already stated that:
For larger events we will aim to get SIA licences personnel to prevent theft, damage or disorderly behaviour.
And finally, as the applicant has ticked the box confirming that he must now advertise the application and that he understands that failure to comply will result in his application being rejected, I would be interested to know where this application has been advertised as my husband regularly walk our dog along the lane past the venue and has seen no such advertisement anywhere in the area.
If the paper notification delivered though my letter box this evening came from Blue Reef, I would like to record that their giving me just 2 days’ notice before my representations need to be made is completely inadequate and unacceptable. I now have NO TIME to liaise or consult with my near neighbours who will also be affected by the proposal, or to investigate why the Parish Council failed to alert me to the application – or even to ascertain if in fact they are aware of it, since it seems to have been submitted to Sevenoaks rather than to Maidstone.
Denise Geeves
From: Dale Geeves
Sent: 22 July 2024 20:31
To: Licensing <licencing@sevenoaks.gov.uk>
Subject: FW: 24/02474/LAPRE | Premises Licence | Open for Consultation |
Loddington Farm Unit 5 Loddington Lane Linton Kent ME17 4AG
EXTERNAL EMAIL: Exercise caution unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. |
Reference: 24/02474/LAPRE | Premises Licence | Open for Consultation | Loddington Farm Unit 5 Loddington Lane Linton Kent ME17 4AG
Blue Reef (UK) Limited Application for a Premises Licence under the Licensing Act 2003
Firstly I would like to say that this evening, 22nd July 2024 at about 18:00, a piece of paper was posted through my letter box and that this is the very first notification of any kind I have seen of this application, made by what is after all a FARM in a RURAL area, to be permitted to play live or recorded music to an audience that SHOULD NOT reach more than 300 people at a time, EVERY DAY should they choose to do so, from 15:00-23:00.
Section P item b) already acknowledges that LARGER EVENTS are planned.
I live opposite the area which it is proposed will be used as a daily live music venue. I have heard their music inside my home and in my garden whenever such events have been held in the past. I have never objected to those occasional events.
This proposal has the capacity to make my life a misery.
I choose to live in a peaceful, quiet village within the Kentish countryside, and paid for the privilege of doing so. I didn’t choose to buy a property within Maidstone town centre’s club and entertainment district.
Applying for such a licence for 2 days a week at the weekend, maybe even with additional occasional extensions over Bank Holidays, might be a reasonable request – but if this application is granted as submitted, it’s a fairly safe bet that I will be listening to their music until 11pm and enduring crowds of intoxicated people exiting the venue, not to mention having to look at a proliferation of the endless handmade signs I already have to endure opposite my home displayed on the roadside verges by the Farm shop. Granting such an open ended licence is utterly inappropriate - there MUST be enforceable operational limits placed on any licence granted.
I have cut and pasted and copied below in italics the general description from Part 3, Operating Schedule of the applicant’s application to evidence that I have used their own words in my representation in my objections to their proposal.
I have also highlighted the sentence that doesn’t seem to make any sense and which I don’t understand, as well as their later statement about proposed LARGER EVENTS.
Blue Reef Music Venue is opening premises for occasional outdoor live music evening. The audience should not reach more than 300 people at one time. The venue will not be open every day but more like few times a month (subject to weather) but would like to gain full premises licence to have the flexibility.
The music won't be played by 11pm. We would like to stress that the venue will be only open when music is being played.
Further on within the Application it is already stated that:
For larger events we will aim to get SIA licences personnel to prevent theft, damage or disorderly behaviour.
And finally, as the applicant has ticked the box confirming that he must now advertise the application and that he understands that failure to comply will result in his application being rejected, I would be interested to know where this application has been advertised as I regularly walk my dog along the lane past the venue and have seen no such advertisement anywhere in the area.
If the paper notification delivered though my letter box this evening came from Blue Reef, I would like to record that their giving me just 2 days’ notice before my representations need to be made is completely inadequate and unacceptable. I now have NO TIME to liaise or consult with my near neighbours who will also be affected by the proposal, or to investigate why the Parish Council failed to alert me to the application – or even to ascertain if in fact they are aware of it, since it seems to have been submitted to Sevenoaks rather than to Maidstone.
Dale Geeves
From: Keith Mearing
Sent: 23 July 2024 11:25
To: Licensing <licencing@sevenoaks.gov.uk>
Subject: Blue Reef Music License, Loddington Farm
EXTERNAL EMAIL: Exercise caution unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. |
I wish to object to the above license for music 7 days a week. Currently this venue has music periodically at the weekends and the volume is so loud that it interferes with my enjoyment sitting INSIDE my home, almost half a mile away, along , Boughton Monchelsea. I don't object in principle to an alcohol license , although there has to be some consideration to the additional traffic generated along the Loddington country lane, which has already seen a rise in traffic due to the number of businesses opening up.
I am also unhappy that we have only been given 48 hours in order to object!
From: Tony Williams
Sent: 23 July 2024 12:55
To: Licensing <licencing@sevenoaks.gov.uk>
Subject: Re: Blue Reef (UK) Ltd
Importance: High
EXTERNAL EMAIL: Exercise caution unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. |
Dear Sir or Madam,
I write to formally object to the License Application made by Blue Reef (UK) Ltd., as posted on 26/06/2024 for the Blue Reef Music Venue, Loddington Farm, Unit 5, Loddington Lane, Linton, ME17 4AG
My objections are as follows:-
· Unit 5 is a small, redundant mushroom shed, which is two thirds occupied by a carpentry workshop, mainly engaged in the building or renovating interiors of VW Camper Vans or similar vehicles. The remaining third seems to be used as an office/coffee shop/store. As such, there is no appropriate interior space to hold music events. These have been held on a small veranda fronting limited open grass space to the rear of Unit 5 or on a large wooden stage structure, recently erected to accommodate the performing bands. Photographic evidence can be supplied.
· Blue Reef has held numerous rock music events including the sale of alcohol, sometimes WITHOUT an appropriate licence or TEN (evidence provided by the Licensing Authority can be supplied). These events have caused distress to local neighbours, through heavily amplified loud music and partying late into the night. This has also caused disruption for fellow businesses at the farm. There has been scant regard as to public nuisance.
· Blue Reef has applied for the license without the courtesy of any notification or consultation with fellow tenants, or the knowledge of Loddington Farm Managing Director, Mr. James Smith. Evidence can be supplied.
· There are NO appropriate toilet or washing facilities at Unit 5 (correct address would be Unit 5, The Mushroom Sheds, Loddington Farm, etc.), Portaloos have been hired in for Previous Blue Reef Music Events. This has caused disruption, by paying customers of Blue Reef not wishing to use the Portaloos provided and attempting to use the toilet facilities of fellow tenants trading on the farm, without their permission.
· Blue Reef has applied for a licence to host live bands and to serve alcohol on an “ad-hoc” basis, which if granted, will permit Blue Reef (UK) Ltd, to hold any such events on any given day, regardless of said disruption or recourse.
· The Mushroom Sheds are old and have asbestos roofs. Children have been apprehended climbing onto the fragile roofs, representing significant Health & Safety issues. A ladder has recently been left adjacent to Unit 4 of the Mushroom Sheds, giving complete access to the fragile asbestos roofs via the container. This is a HUGE Public Safety concern!! (Photographic evidence can be provided)
· Security at previous Blue Reef Music Events, seem to have consisted of a single security guard checking tickets at the entrance.
In conclusion, Blue Reef has displayed scant disregard to a significant number of serious issues, including those required by the Licensing Authority. As such, I strongly object to this application.
Yours sincerely,
Antony J Williams.
From: Barry Place
Sent: 23 July 2024 15:01
To: Licensing <licencing@sevenoaks.gov.uk>
Subject: Application for License to Play Music Every Day - Blue Reef
Music Venue.
EXTERNAL EMAIL: Exercise caution unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. |
Ref. No. 24/02474/LAPRE
I wish to object most strongly to the proposal by the Blue Reef Group to provide 8 hours per day of continual music for 7 days per week. The proposal is preposterous. My wife and I moved the quiet village 24 years ago and in that time have witnessed a vast increase in road traffic noise from faster and much larger vehicles and now are confronted by this hideous proposal. I object on the following grounds:
The narrow lane along which the possible “Up to 300 people” will have to travel, is not wide enough to take that volume of traffic.
Having spoken to two neighbours who walk up the Loddington Lane, neither has noticed the Licensing Act Public Notice on display.
A flyer informing me of the proposal was put through my letterbox late on 22nd. July, barely any time to submit a response, particularly for people at work who need to sleep during the day. The application for the license was made a month earlier. Make of that what you will.
When the occasional event of this kind has occurred during a weekend, the noise has been significant.
I presume that no consideration has been given whatsoever to the people living in the neighbourhood who will have to tolerate the noise each afternoon and evening, especially those who work at night.
I know for certain that, for one person living in the close vicinity, this will definitely have an impact on her mental well-being.
I believe that each one of us has civil rights. We have the right to live a reasonably quiet life, free from unnecessary noise being imposed upon us and within the restriction of imposing unwanted noise on others. If 100 people were asked whether or not they would wish to live under the proposed circumstances, I wonder what percentage of the people would say “Yes”. Noise pollution will be a serious problem in this case and must not be allowed to affect the lives of the people living the vicinity of Loddington Farm under any circumstances as this will affect the quality of our lives and mental well-being.
I thank you for the attention you may give to my letter,
With Regards,
B. Place.
From: Paul
Sent: 23 July 2024 15:23
To: Licensing <licencing@sevenoaks.gov.uk>
Subject: License application by Blue reef music venue ME17 4AG
EXTERNAL EMAIL: Exercise caution unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. |
I am writing with regard to the Blue reef music venue application to play live and/or recorded music every day.
I very much object to this as it is an unreasonable intrusion on the lives of those residents nearby who will be subjected to noise from the venue. When events are currently held, the music is easily audible and can be quite load when the wind is towards – forcing us to keep window and doors closed.
The occasional event is not unreasonable, but to potentially have this every day – especially on week days, would be intolerable.
The application suggests that it is likely to be more in the summer and only a few times per month, but if the license was granted there would be nothing to stop the venue opening every day. Perhaps the application could be modified to be more specific regarding this “few times per month”.
Yours faithfully,
Paul Highsted
From: Christine Suppelt
Sent: 23 July 2024 16:07
To: Licensing <licencing@sevenoaks.gov.uk>
Cc: Licensing Officers <Licensing.Officers@sevenoaks.gov.uk>
Subject: Blue Reef (UK) Ltd, for the Premises Blue Reef Music Venue, Loddington Farm, Unit 5 Loddington Lane, Linton, ME17 4AG - No reference Number shown
EXTERNAL EMAIL: Exercise caution unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
Dear Sirs,
Re: Application for Music Licence by the Above
I have just been made aware of the public notice exhibited at the Musket Brewery, which is not in a prominent position. Unfortunately we were not made aware of this directly despite living very close to the venue.
I wish to object to this application in the strongest possible terms.
Loddington Farm is within a semirural and RESIDENTIAL area with many fields surrounding it. As a result sound travels over considerable distances and would affect at least 40 residential settings in Heath Road and Loddington Lane.
Music from the venue can be very clearly heard at my house. We are already enduring the Blue Reef Festival once per year, which is much further from my house but very loudly audible.
I mostly work from home and need to highly concentrate for my work. I am also reliant on getting adequate rest and sleep to be able to function. Live or recorded music for up to 8 hours would seriously influence my quality of life and my ability to work.
I also and adequate rest and peace are detrimental to my well-being. As I am sure you are aware sound pollution is a mayor cause of stress and therefore I am finding the application entirely unacceptable.
Yours faithfully
Dr Christine Suppelt MD FRCS MFHom
Comments for Licensing Application 24/02474/LAPRE
Application Summary
Application Number: 24/02474/LAPRE
Address: Loddington Farm Unit 5 Loddington Lane Linton Kent ME17 4AG
Proposal: Premises Licence
Case Officer: Louise Davis
Customer Details
Name: Mr Alan Beech
Comment Details
Commenter Type: Neighbour
Stance: Customer objects to the Licensing Application
Comment Reasons:
- Noise Disturbance
- Traffic
Comment:23/07/2024 4:50 PM As a general principle I would welcome the extension of a new music venue, unfortunately the location at Loddington Farm on Loddington Lane, a small single track country lane, is wholly unsuitable.
As a nearby neighbour I feel the proposed venue would create a substantial increase in traffic on an already overstretched lane, given the out of town location presumably the majority of people attending will be by car.
Whilst I believe the venue is indoors, previous events have certainly created a disturbance and can be heard by residents of Loddington Lane if not further afield.
One off events such as the full festival for a couple of nights a year, whilst giving some disruption,are welcome but regular music nights including weekdays are not. This surely the wrong location for such a venture.
Alan Beech
From: Colin Brooker
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2024 2:03 PM
To: Licensing <licencing@sevenoaks.gov.uk>
Subject: Music at loddington farm
EXTERNAL EMAIL: Exercise caution unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
Could you please seriously consider not letting this application go through to allow music to affend the residence of Heath Road Boughton Monchelsea who are mostly OAPs. Allowing loud music & alcohol will inevitably lead to problems. The residence of Boughton Monchelsea live in a quiet village and do not wish this application to proceed. Mote park in Maidstone is more suited for these events as there have been many in the past ! Please do not allow this application to go through and spoil this lovely village and upset the village residence.
Many thanks
Colin Brooker
Sent from my iPad
From: publicaccess@sevenoaks.gov.uk <publicaccess@sevenoaks.gov.uk>
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2024 3:46 PM
To: Louise Davis <LouiseHicks@Maidstone.gov.uk>
Subject: Comments for Licensing Application 24/02474/LAPRE
Dear Sir/Madam, Licensing Application comments have been made. A summary of the comments is provided below. Comments were submitted at 24/07/2024 3:46 PM from Dr Christine Suppelt.
Comments for Licensing Application 24/02474/LAPRE
Application Summary Application Number: 24/02474/LAPRE Address: Loddington Farm Unit 5 Loddington Lane Linton Kent ME17 4AG Proposal: Premises Licence Case Officer: Louise Davis
Customer Details Name: Mr Bradley Older Address:
Comment Details Commenter Type: Neighbour Stance: Customer objects to the Licensing Application Comment Reasons: - Crime Objections - Noise Disturbance - Prevention of Public Nuisance - Traffic Comment:24/07/2024 4:26 PM With the current bar/pub on premises with loud live music and the trouble they've caused our lane with broken glass, plenty of noise from the locals staggering home past our house is quite concerning for my parents both 60+ almost every weekend the current set up has live music and the awful sound being only 130m away from the open stage makes sitting in our garden almost unbearable. A once quiet lane is slowly being destroyed sadly as it is but to allow another company to set up right next door (both have played 2 different stages side by side before) and their choice of music I believe being rock and indie wouldn't exactly be kept down. Apologies for the rant but this is such an awful decision - |