Maidstone Borough Council

Appendix 1 – First Quarter Budget Report

Housing & Community Cohesion Policy Advisory Committee























Part A: First Quarter Revenue Budget 2024/25


A1)    Revenue Budget: Council                                                     

A2)    Revenue Budget: Housing & Community Cohesion Policy Advisory Committee (HCC PAC)                      

A3)    HCC PAC Revenue Budget: Significant Variances                                                        

Part B: First Quarter Capital Budget 2024/25     

B1)    Capital Budget: Council                                                       

B2)    Capital Budget: Housing & Community Cohesion Policy Advisory Committee (PHSC PAC)                     

B3)    Capital Budget Variances                                                    














A2)   Revenue Budget: HCC PAC

A2.1 The table below provides a detailed summary of the budgeted net expenditure position for the services reporting directly into HCC PAC at the end of Quarter 1. The financial figures are presented on an accruals basis (i.e. expenditure for goods and services received, but not yet paid for, is included).


A3)  HCC Revenue Budget: Significant Variances

A3.1  Within the headline figures, there are a number of both adverse and favourable net expenditure variances for individual cost centres. It is important that the implications of variances are considered at an early stage, so that contingency plans can be put in place and, if necessary, be used to inform future financial planning.  Variances will be reported to each of the Policy Advisory Committees on a quarterly basis throughout 2024/25.







Part B - First Quarter Capital Budget 2024/25



B1)  Capital Budget 2024/25 (@ 1st Quarter 2024/25)




B2) Capital Budget Variances (@ 1st Quarter 2024/25)