-----Original Message-----
From: clerk@nettlesteadpc.org <clerk@nettlesteadpc.org>
Sent: 29 October 2024 12:06
To: Licensing <licencing@sevenoaks.gov.uk>
Subject: Nettlestead Parish Council: Comments for Review of Hop Pole Licence - 24/04033/REVIEW
EXTERNAL EMAIL: Exercise caution unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
Good morning,
Further to my conversation with Julie last week, please find attached comments from Nettlestead Parish Council with regard to the review of The Hop Pole Licence.
I understand the review period ends at midnight tonight. Please could you kindly confirm safe receipt of these comments and that they will be considered as part of the review.
I will also add a copy online.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards
Suzanne Seal
Clerk to Nettlestead Parish Council