Maidstone Borough Council
Appendix 1 – Second Quarter Budget Report
Housing & Community Cohesion Policy Advisory Committee
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Part A: Second Quarter Revenue Budget 2024/25
A1) Revenue Budget: Council
A2) Revenue Budget: Housing & Community Cohesion Policy Advisory Committee (HCC PAC)
A3) HCC PAC Revenue Budget: Significant Variances
Part B: Second Quarter Capital Budget 2024/25
B1) Capital Budget: Council
B2) Capital Budget: Housing & Community Cohesion Policy Advisory Committee (PHSC PAC)
B3) Capital Budget Variances
A2) Revenue Budget: HCC PAC
A2.1 The table below provides a detailed summary of the budgeted net expenditure position for the services reporting directly into HCC PAC at the end of Quarter 2. The financial figures are presented on an accruals basis (i.e. expenditure for goods and services received, but not yet paid for, is included).
A3) HCC Revenue Budget: Significant Variances
A3.1 Within the headline figures, there are a number of both adverse and favourable net expenditure variances for individual cost centres. It is important that the implications of variances are considered at an early stage, so that contingency plans can be put in place and, if necessary, be used to inform future financial planning. Variances will be reported to each of the Policy Advisory Committees on a quarterly basis throughout 2024/25.
Housing & Community Cohesion |
Year End Forecast Variance £000 |
Regulatory Services |
Dog Control – There has been a high demand so far this year, and there is a reliance on one supplier to provide the service. A service plan is being drawn up by the budget manager to see whether this service can be carried out in house or partnered with other authorities. |
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Homelessness |
Homeless Temporary Accommodation - This continues to be a significant issue as the demand for the service continues to be high. 60% of the variance is driven by emergency bed spaces for rough sleepers, with the remainder being driven by nightly paid accommodation, combined with the rental income target not being achieved. The programme to acquire more of our own houses to deal with the demand is continuing with a number of new properties being purchased this year, with others likely to follow. |
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B1) Capital Budget 2024/25 (@ 2nd Quarter 2024/25)
B2) Capital Budget Variances (@ 2nd Quarter 2024/25)
Housing and Community Cohesion |
Projected Slippage to 2025/26 £000 |
Private Rented Sector Housing/Housing Programme - A number of schemes are at various stages of development at present. Some schemes will also contain elements of both private rented and affordable housing so the costs may change depending on the mix at the sites where this happens. Some significant schemes are taking longer to develop than had been anticipated when the programme for this year was agreed, which is the main reason for the large underspend this year. However planning permission has now been granted for the development of the Former Royal Mail Sorting Office site, which is one the largest schemes within this budget. |
35,955 |
Other Property – Community & Commercial - These schemes are being developed, but they are taking longer than had been anticipated. Any unused budget will be rolled forward to 2025/26 to allow them to be completed. |
1,978 |
Temporary Accommodation - There have been more acquisitions this year, and the team will continue to seek suitable properties, and any unused budget will be rolled forward to 2025/26 to allow these to be completed. Current market conditions are making it more difficult to secure properties, so there is likely to be a significant underspend this year. |
14,248 |
Housing – Disabled Facilities Grant Funding - The approved budget of £0.8m is based on previous levels of activity. However, we are forecasting more expenditure than the budget this year, but this will be covered by an increase in the Better Care Funding that we receive. The actual grant award for 2024/25 is £1.644m. |
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