Priority 1- Prevention |
Action |
Outcomes |
Lead/Service Area/Partners |
Timescale |
1.1 |
Review the use of Placement Incentive Pilot funding to support families asking adult children/households to leave home due to financial pressures. Expand if outcomes are measurable and positive with consideration of extension of the scheme to other cohorts of people (e.g. friends) |
- Fewer households made homeless as a result of familial evictions - Better ongoing relationships between families who may otherwise lose contact - Reduction in rough sleeping - Cost avoidance of Temporary Accommodation - Reduction in TA requirements - Use of direct lets for households who are “homeless at home” at prevention stage - |
Housing and Inclusion Manager MBC Housing Advice Team MBC Accommodation Resource Team
February 2025 |
1.2 |
Housing Advice Team structure changes to ensure prevention opportunities are not missed due to conflicting priorities in relieving homelessness |
- Reduction in those moving from prevention to relief - Increase in positive prevention outcomes - Better service for customers |
Housing Advice Manager MBC Housing Advice Team
June-December 2024 |
1.3 |
Work in partnership with Citizens Advice Maidstone to offer appointments at Trinity for key issues experienced by customers |
- Reduction of financial inequality and offer of welfare advice, - Better budgeting understanding leading to a reduction in debt - Fewer evictions as a result of financial issues - Clear outcomes evidenced. - Funding streams identified for 2025-2026 - Greater reach by extending the offer to other teams e.g. Welfare and Community Protection |
MBC Housing Advice Team Citizens Advice Maidstone |
April 2024-March 2025 |
1.4 |
Continue to improve relationships between the newly created Prevention Team and KCC Care Leavers Teams via the use of the Care Leavers Panel |
- Fewer care leavers become homeless from care - Opportunities for prevention are identified - Reduction in over-reliance on Housing Register - Upskill KCC staff to deliver and attend PRS sessions/specific care leaver offer sessions |
Housing Advice Manager KCC Housing Pathways Team |
Ongoing |
1.5 |
Development of robust support for those facing familial evictions, including home visits, support packs, education on options, support in the home etc. |
- Fewer households made homeless as a result of familial evictions - Better ongoing relationships between families who may otherwise loose contact - Reduction in rough sleeping - More households accessing the Placement Incentive Pilot - Investment in mediation training for staff |
MBC Housing Advice Team Homelessness Support Service |
Ongoing |
1.6 |
Expansion of the One View predictive analytics system to the wider Prevention Team and Housing Triage and Support Teams |
- Increase in number of households engaged with - Clear outcomes demonstrated - Improved prevention opportunities across different cohorts - Additional stakeholders onboarded |
Housing Advice Manager |
December 2024 |
1.7 |
Take a “no wrong door” approach to prevention to ensure no opportunities are missed – including brief interventions to prevent homelessness.
- Appropriate use of emergency appointments to speak to a Housing Advice Officer (Prevention) - Increase in those who initially approach as homeless being able to return home in the first instance with support - Reduction in rough sleeping - Brief intervention outcomes captured across the service and for those attending Trinity |
Housing Solutions Manager |
Ongoing |
1.8 |
Offer training and education to key partners regarding identification of threat of homelessness, as well as referral pathways into the service |
- Improved understanding of basic legislative framework around homelessness - Increase in appropriate referrals into the service - Reduction in approaches at the point of homelessness |
Housing Advice Manager |
Ongoing |
1.9 |
Review how incentives could be offered in other forms – such as increasing bedroom numbers in overcrowded homes. |
- Review the Housing Register and temporary accommodation numbers to determine the overcrowded households. - Enter into discussions with Registered Providers - Seek grant funding to support capacity building within properties |
Housing and Inclusion Manager Head of Service |
1.10 |
Fully prepare and embrace the enactment of the Renters Rights Bill |
- Reduce homelessness within the private rented sector - Mechanisms to deliver robust enforcement - Enhanced engagement between the Housing Advice Team and Housing Standards Team - MBC to inform local Landlords of upcoming changes to the legislation - Robust training for staff to prepare for changes - - Exposure to Court proceedings for staff before enactment of the Bill in order to build understanding of process and defence to prevent homelessness where possible.
Housing and Inclusion Manager Housing Standards Manager Housing Standards Team |
Ongoing |
Priority 2- Provide Accommodation |
Action |
Outcomes |
Lead |
Timescale |
2.1 |
Evaluate the case for extending financial support for the provision of supported accommodation such as Lily Smith House and ensure that there are clear exits towards permanent accommodation |
- Reduction in rough sleeping - Reduction in use of temporary accommodation - Improved support provisions with measurable outcomes - Funding streams secured to continue provision beyond March 2025 - Expansion of placements to prevention households in need of support |
Housing & Inclusion Manager Accommodation Resource Team Homelessness Support Service |
December 2024 |
2.2 |
Acquire and develop property assets in partnership with Registered Providers for use as refuge accommodation for those fleeing domestic abuse |
- Specific support provided to keep households safe in Maidstone - Support worker employed to provide specialist assistance to those who have experienced domestic abuse |
Housing & Inclusion Manager Accommodation Resource Team
September 2024 onwards |
2.3 |
Explore way to make best use of interim and temporary accommodation considered in all circumstances |
- Reduction in per night overall cost of accommodation provision - Excellent standards in accommodation provided by MBC - Reduction in void loss and the repairs budget |
Housing Portfolio Team Accommodation Resource Team |
Ongoing |
2.4 |
Review the Allocation Scheme to assist with relieving homelessness |
- Reduction in per night overall cost of accommodation provision - Increased levels of homelessness relieved - Consideration of use of the Housing Register and/or direct lets for TA avoidance |
Housing Strategy Manager Homechoice Team Housing Pathways Team Registered Providers |
Ongoing |
2.5 |
Procurement of Private Rented Sector accommodation for duty discharge cases keeping our financial incentives under review and the Rent in Advance Pilot scheme |
- Improved access to PR accommodation through a range of interventions - Reduction in reliance on the Housing Register - Measurable outcomes used to decide if the RIA pilot should continue - Expansion of HHSRS training to the wider team |
Accommodation Resource Team Housing Advice Team Housing Standards Team |
August 2025 |
2.7 |
Expand our Private Sector Leasing (PSL) programme |
- Increase the numbers in the PSL portfolio to 50 in two years. - Reduce the numbers accessing nightly paid accommodation. |
Development Project Manager |
Up to January 2026 |
2.8 |
Procure further MBC owned units of Temporary Accommodation |
- Two new units per month - Robust financial controls ensuring that our own TA management is managed within budget |
Development Project Manager |
On-going |
2.9 |
Procure/build affordable homes – as set out in the aspiration of 1000 by 2026 |
- Delivery of the 1000 new affordable homes to prevent homelessness. |
Development Project Manager |
Up to 2028 |
Priority 3- Work alongside vulnerable people |
Action |
Outcomes |
Lead |
Timescale |
3.1 |
We will use existing IT systems more effectively to establish what support is required by customers engaging with the Homelessness Support Service |
- Better understanding of need in the Borough - One view will be targeted at new cohorts incl. family exclusions. - Huume nuanced to obtain greater outcome reports. - Measurable outcomes of support provided used to identify existing gaps |
Homelessness Support Service Housing Advice Manager Housing & Inclusion Manager |
Ongoing |
3.2 |
Housing Advice and Support Services will be available face to face at Trinity for those who need them |
- Options for face to face and phone delivery can be used based on an individual’s needs and wishes - Brief intervention model used for community support - Consideration of digital inclusion programmes |
Homelessness Support Service Housing Advice Team Housing & Inclusion Manager |
Ongoing |
3.3 |
Recruitment of a Housing Advice Domestic Abuse Specialist (HADAS), with ongoing unique, flexible and trauma informed pathways into service, with enhanced ongoing support |
- Reduced likelihood of individuals being located by the perpetrator of abuse after they have left their homes - Additional options to remain at home via orders and interventions - Reduction in additional trauma - Unique, quick and robust pathway into homelessness services |
Housing Advice Manager Housing Advice Team |
Ongoing |
3.4 |
Improved awareness and implementation of engagement techniques for those who are or may be neurodiverse |
- Improved ability to adapt communication styles to suit the needs of those who may be neurodiverse - Engagement with best practice regarding missed diagnosis - Better engagement from this cohort |
Equality and diversity steering group Housing Advice Team Housing & Inclusion Manager |
On-going |
3.5 |
Continued provision of a trauma informed space for those who have already experienced or otherwise would have experienced trauma |
- Reduction in ACE’s experienced by children becoming homeless - Better engagement from vulnerable individuals - Understanding from the community of the support which can be provided at Trinity |
Housing & Inclusion Manager |
December 2025 |
3.6 |
Successful DAHA accreditation |
- Accreditation is achieved. - Create an operation steering group - Ensure organisation is DAHA compliant |
Domestic Abuse and Safeguarding Coordinator Housing and Inclusion Manager
3.7 |
Improved response to acute homelessness due to dedicated assessment officers being embedded in the Triage and Support Team |
- Less confusing initial engagement process for customers - Additional time made available to the wider team to respond to customers and their needs - Trauma informed approach tailored to each customer’s needs - Better experience on approach in a face-to-face environment |
Housing Advice Team |
June-December 2024 |
3.8 |
Continued engagement with the RSI mental health team for those who need support with their mental health, but who might otherwise be excluded from accessing care due to their complex needs |
- Improved wellbeing for those with complex needs - More likely to sustain or attain accommodation due to well managed medical needs - Improved trust in services and care pathways |
Homelessness Support Service |
Ongoing |
3.9 |
Creation of our specific Domestic Abuse support pathway and accommodation sites |
- Partner with registered providers to offer good quality temporary units. - Onboard a specific domestic abuse support officer - Have clear pathway for entering and leaving DA units. - Creation of good casework management for DA survivors including the Warwick Edinburgh wellbeing questionnaire - Improved knowledge across the teams regarding available support for those who have experienced DA |
Homeless Pathway Manager Housing and Inclusion Manager Domestic Abuse Support Officer |
Mobilised by September 2024 |
3.10 |
Continue working within an Elastic Tolerance framework within the RSI funded project |
- Team to understand the term and operationally how it works. - Targeted approach of individuals |
Housing and Inclusion Manager |
On-going |
3.11 |
KCC funded assertive outreach – substance misuse |
- Continue to develop a pathway with CGL - Support those furthest from treatment into CGL and housing options - Seek extension to this workstream |
Housing and Inclusion Manager Complex Case worker |
March 2025 |
3.12 |
Improved relationship between MBC/Trinity and DWP |
- Co-location at Trinity to foster better working relationships - Programmes to be delivered by DWP at Trinity - Training offer to DWP made to improve referrals and identification of early prevention work |
Housing and Inclusion Manager |
Ongoing |
Priority 4- Support rough sleepers |
Action |
Outcomes |
Lead |
Timescale |
4.1 |
Continue use of RSI funding to provide accommodation in order to manage our humanitarian response to rough sleeping |
- Reduction in rough sleeping - Reduction in impacts associated with rough sleeping |
Homelessness Support Service |
Ongoing |
4.2 |
Seek funding for the Homelessness Support Service and their functions post March 2025 |
- Continuation of service post March 2025 - Close working with our DLUHC colleagues to evidence the benefits of RSI funding. |
Housing and Inclusion Manager |
March 2025 |
4.3 |
Work with partners to ensure move on options are available for complex individuals |
- Less time spent in discretionary accommodation - Improved accommodation sustainment - Reduction in future rough sleeping
Housing and Inclusion Manager |
Ongoing |
4.4 |
Identification of triggers which can lead to future rough sleeping, with the intention to implement system change using predictive analytics
- Long term reduction in rough sleeping - Long term reduction in impacts associated with rough sleeping - Improved access to support for current or future complex individuals
Housing Advice Manager |
Ongoing |
4.5 |
Provision of suitable, short-term accommodation which can meet the needs of complex individuals |
- Reduction in evictions and return to the streets - Improved permanent accommodation prospects |
Accommodation Resource Team Homelessness Support Service