Corporate Strategy, Year 1 plan 2025/26
A High Quality Place Adapted for a Changing Climate |
Lead Cabinet Member |
Revenue ongoing |
Revenue one-off |
Capital |
Refresh the Integrated Transport Strategy (with citizen engagement) · Bespoke plans for Town and Rural areas |
Cllr Harwood |
£50,000 for Integrated Transport Strategy |
Nature Recovery through Community partnership and action - Introduce a grant scheme focussed on river and land restoration to promote landscape beauty, biodiversity, flood mitigation and support rural employment and community engagement and ownership - New local nature reserves for example Banky meadow - River restoration Beult, Len, Loose stream, Teise etc on climate change, adaptation and nature recovery |
Cllr Summersgill |
£55,000 Enhance Action Plan by delivering mitigation and adaptation projects using a dedicated project management resource |
£500,000 Establish Nature Recovery Fund using one-off resources in Local Government Finance Settlement 2025/26 |
Refresh and Deliver the Climate Change and Biodiversity Strategy to focus on actions that are in our control including - open spaces, - increasing waste minimisation, re-use and recycling including our own buildings, - increasing information and advice to businesses and residents - Inform and engage residents and businesses to manage and protect green spaces |
Cllr Summersgill |
£25,000 Initiative to introduce subsidised home composting bins and water butts as part of measures to improve waste management to be funded from the extended producer responsibility (EPR) funding.
Infrastructure Delivery Including New Green Spaces £2,500,000
Climate Change and Biodiversity Projects £2,500,000
Biodiversity Net Gain Identify from our own sites land suitable for Biodiversity net gain |
Cllr Summersgill |
Use current resources |
Use Nature Recovery Fund if necessary to bring land up to standard |
Help residents make their homes more energy efficient and their money go further including seeking opportunities for innovation in local energy supply
Cllr Wales and Cllr Summersgill |
Use current resource ie £49,000 growth already included in budget to support property decarbonisation
Take Action to improve Air Quality |
Cllr Summersgill |
£25,000 for updated Air Quality Management Plan |
Ensure responsible and sustainable landscape management of our own land and increase green spaces |
Cllr English |
Use current resources |
Infrastructure Delivery Including New Green Spaces £2,500,000
Enhanced interpretation of historic buildings and places |
Cllr Thompson |
Use current resources |
Attain Green Flag for Brenchley Gardens |
Cllr English |
Use current resources |
Deliver an Exemplar heritage Strategy |
Cllr Thompson |
Use current resources |
Support bid for Kent Downs national Landscape extension onto Greensand Ridge |
Cllr Harwood/Cllr Summersgill |
Use current resources |
Continue the delivery of a review of the local plan including - developing design and sustainability documents - innovative landscape character area assessment |
Tony Harwood |
Use current resources
Resilient Communities |
Action |
Lead Cabinet Member |
Revenue ongoing |
Revenue one-off |
Capital |
Introduce a voluntary and community services grant scheme to support resilient communities |
Cllr Naghi |
£60,000 ongoing grant programme |
Deliver two pump tracks |
Cllr English |
£200,000 (assumes use of existing MBC land) |
Develop and widely promote a directory of community facilities, spaces and events across the Borough |
Cllr Naghi |
Use current resources |
Investigate and promote funding streams/sources to support community facilities across the Borough |
Cllr Naghi |
Use current resources |
Initiate a study into leisure options |
Cllr Thompson |
Use existing provision in capital programme for feasibility work on new leisure centre |
Strengthen communication with our Parish Councillors and community organisations |
Cllr Naghi |
£5,000 for annual parish conference |
Introduce a programme of citizen engagement on key topics including violence against women and girls and transport |
Cllr Naghi |
Deliver a healthier borough through health in all policies |
Cllr Thompson |
Use current resources |
Undertake Gypsy Romany Traveller community engagement and outreach |
Cllr Naghi |
Use current resources |
Quality Homes |
Action |
Lead Cabinet Member |
Revenue ongoing |
Revenue one-off |
Capital |
Work with private sector landlords and providers to support a quality local rental market and accommodation portfolio |
Cllr Wales |
Use current resources
Deliver the homelessness strategy and action plan |
Cllr Wales |
Use current resources
£30,000,000 TA property purchases.
Improve and continue delivery of quality homes for life for local people |
Cllr Wales |
£172,000,000 Quality Homes for Life programme |
Open the Housing Revenue Account |
Cllr Wales |
Use Quality Homes for Life programme expand portfolio to HRA threshold of 200 homes
Deliver a high quality, well landscaped public Gypsy, Romany, Traveller site |
Cllr Wales |
£4,000,000 |
Deliver a HMO SPD |
Tony Harwood |
Use current resources
Initiate a study into leisure facilities options in the borough (see also under Resilient Communities) |
Cllr Thompson |
Use existing provision in capital programme for feasibility work on new leisure centre.
Fairer Economy for People and Planet |
Action |
Lead Cabinet Member |
Revenue ongoing |
Revenue one-off |
Capital |
Explore options for café and toilet facilities in or around Maidstone Museum |
Cllr Thompson |
£100,000 |
Making use of our spaces including Coronation Square and Jubilee Square for events and markets throughout the year. |
Cllr Thompson |
Included within £500,000 funding for Lockmeadow ongoing investment. |
Develop a strategy to champion and deliver increased access to further, higher and lifelong learning in the borough |
Cllr Thompson |
Use current resources
Work with the local history gallery at Maidstone Museum on community outreach to celebrate and promote local heritage, history and culture |
Cllr Thompson |
Use current resources
£480,000 Museum Development Plan will fund capital works at Museum |
Deliver a new Economic Development Strategy |
Cllr Thompson |
Use Kent Business Rates pool funds earmarked for economic development |
Commence work on a Town Centre vision |
Cllr Thompson |
Use current resources |
Deliver the Arts and Culture strategy |
Cllr Thompson |
£30,000 Ongoing Creative Community grant programme To be funded by UKSPF
Deliver the Creative Maker Space in the Town Centre |
Cllr Thompson |
£28,000 Funding to cover opportunity cost of commercial income from unit in Gabriels Hill
Staffing costs for year one funded by UKSPF £50,000 |