Appendix C SCRAIP update

Planning, Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee







Cabinet Member


Lead Officer


That ward members of the parishes Design South East are working with are invited to attend the multi-stakeholder meeting to be held in September.





That the Design South East report is reviewed by the Planning, Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee prior to the planned multi-stakeholder meeting.

Transport and Development Cabinet Member for Planning

It is anticipated that the report on the outcomes of the Design South East work will go to PTD Overview and Scrutiny committee on 19 August.

Emma Boshell; Rob Jarman


That before a final decision is made on the draft Local Plan site allocations Parish Councils be informed and discussions take place on the right to build as part of the neighbourhood planning with a view to facilitating a convergence of the two (ie the Neighbourhood Plans and the Local Plan site allocations).


Further engagement with the parishes is planned.

Emma Boshell


That feedback be sought from Parish Councils on the consultation with Design South East and Parish Councils be informed of how their feedback had been used to develop the Local Plan.

Transport and Development Cabinet Member for Planning

A short survey has been sent to each of the parishes involved in the Design South East work in order to obtain feedback.

Emma Boshell; Rob Jarman


The Head of Commercial and Economic Development provide the Committee with a detailed report for the meeting on 21 October 2014 on the quality of existing and proposed employment sites being used for the development of the Economic Development Strategy and the Local Plan.

Cabinet Member for Economic & Commercial Development

Referred to Sarah Anderton in Planning to produce report for 21 October 2014.

Sarah Anderton; Emma Boshell


That a joint meeting with the Planning, Transport and Development and Economic and Commercial Development Overview and Scrutiny Committees is arranged to look at the qualitative data for the employment review to be used for the Economic Development Strategy and the Local Plan, possibly in early November 2014.


Referred to Scrutiny Coordinating Committee for decision on 10 July. PT&D Committee will be updated at the meeting 22 July.

Sam Bailey; Tessa Mallett