Maidstone Borough Council


Maidstone Borough Council


Planning, Transport and Development Overview & Scrutiny Committee


Tuesday 16 September 2014


Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development

Priorities for the Municipal Year 2014 - 15


Report of: Tessa Mallett, Overview & Scrutiny Officer


1.          Introduction


1.1        The Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development portfolio is aligned to this Committee’s terms of reference.


2.          Recommendation


2.1    The Committee are advised to consider the priority for the Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development for the 2014-15 Municipal Year as outlined in point 3 below.


3.      Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development Priority for the Municipal Year 2014-2015


3.1     The Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development has confirmed that their priority for the Municipal Year 2014-2015 will be to maintain or improve the published timetable for the Local Plan. The main objective being to limit on-going costs and uncertainty for the residents of the borough that comes with an un-adopted Local Plan.


Reasons for Recommendation


3.1     The Planning, Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee are responsible for holding the Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development to account.


3.2     The areas of responsibility for the Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development, outlined in the Council’s Constitution, are detailed at Appendix A


3.4     The Committee may find their responsibilities cross over with other Scrutiny Committees.  The Committee should focus primarily on its terms of reference but can make recommendations to the appropriate Overview and Scrutiny Committee or the Scrutiny Co-ordinating Committee should a piece of work be highlighted that falls outside its jurisdiction.


4.      Impact on Corporate Objectives


4.1        The Strategic Plan sets the Council’s key objectives for the medium term and has a range of objectives which support the delivery of the Council’


4.2        This Committee will primarily consider reports that deliver against the Council priority: ‘For Maidstone to be a decent place to live’ and ‘for Maidstone to have a growing economy’.