Maidstone Borough Council
Scrutiny Coordinating Committee
Monday 24 November 2014
Future Work Programme
Report of: Christian Scade, Senior Corporate Policy Officer
1.1 To consider topics for inclusion in the Scrutiny Coordinating Committee’s work programme for the 2014/15 Municipal Year.
2. Recommendation
2.1 That the Committee considers its work programme, attached at Appendix A, and suggests items for consideration at future meetings, to ensure it is appropriate and covers all issues Members wish to consider within the Committee’s remit.
3. Background to recommendation
3.1 The Scrutiny Coordinating Committee is a Committee consisting of the Chairmen and Vice Chairmen of the four Overview and Scrutiny Committees. It will meet from time to time to consider matters relating to the conduct, performance and procedures of the Committees; to develop mechanisms for addressing cross-cutting issues; and to prevent duplication in the work of the individual committees.
3.2 The Committee may wish to consider the support and development it could offer the four Scrutiny Committees at each meeting by structuring its own work programme.
4. Relevant Documents
4.1 Appendix A – Future Work Programme
5. Background Papers
5.1 None