Maidstone Borough Council
operates a Joint Independent Remuneration Panel with Swale Borough Council.
The Panel consists of five Members.
In accordance with the
requirements of the Local Authorities (Members’ Allowances) (England)
Regulations 2001, the Council is required to have an Independent Remuneration
Panel whose purpose is to make recommendations to the Council on its Members’
Allowance Scheme and that of Parish Councils.
Serving a term of three years, you will take part in making recommendations to
the Authority on the type and amount of allowances that should be payable to
elected members for various roles, responsibilities and arrangements. These
will include making recommendations on child care allowances, pension
arrangements, and travel and subsistence among other considerations.
You are expected to demonstrate political impartiality, a high degree of personal integrity, and be able to analyse information and reach conclusions for consideration by the Council as a whole.
You should live or work in the Borough and you cannot be considered for appointment if you:-
· Have been an employee or elected Member of the Council in the last five years;
· Are a relative or close friend of an employee or Member of the Council;
· Are an employee or Member of another local authority
The Joint Independent Remuneration Panel is a voluntary role and meets once a year, during the day, normally in October. The meetings are held alternately in Maidstone and Swale. It may also be necessary, should the situation arise, to be consulted over the phone or by email regarding an urgent matter.