Maidstone Borough Local Plan – Regulation 18 Consultation 2014

Proposed new policy


Policy DM xx – Nursing and care homes



In line with national trends, the population of the borough is aging and this will result in an increasing demand for elderly accommodation over the timeframe of the Local Plan. Population projections predict that by 2031 18% of the borough’s residents with be over 70 years of age compared with 12% in 2011[1].


The accommodation needs of ours aging population will vary. Some will be able to continue to live in their own homes with the option, potentially, of receiving care at home. Specialist sheltered accommodation and/or extra care accommodation will also help to meet needs. In planning terms such accommodation falls within C3 use (dwelling house). In addition there will be a further demand for care and nursing home places particularly for the more frail elderly; it is estimated that 960 additional nursing and care home places will be needed in the borough (2011-31)[2]. Nursing and care homes fall within the C2 use class (residential institutions).


The identified need for additional nursing and care home places will be addressed through the granting of planning consents. Planning applications for nursing and care homes will be assessed using the following policy. Such homes are places of work as well as residences and proposals should be located within the borough’s identified main settlements which have the best levels of accessibility by public transport. Commensurate on-site parking will be required for both staff and visitors.


Policy DMxx

Nursing and care homes


1.     Within the defined boundaries of the urban area, rural service centres and larger villages, proposals for new nursing and residential care homes through new build, conversion or redevelopment and for extensions to existing nursing and residential care homes which meet the following criteria will be permitted:


             i.          The proposal will not adversely affect the character of the locality or the amenity of neighbouring properties by means of noise , disturbance or intensity of use; or by way of size, bulk or overlooking; and

            ii.          Sufficient visitor and staff vehicle parking is provided in a manner which does not diminish the character of the street scene.



[1] Table 5, Strategic Housing Market Assessment Addendum, G L Hearn (August 2014)

[2] Paragraph 5.13, Strategic Housing Market Assessment Addendum, G L Hearn (August 2014)