Decision details

Report of the Director of Finance and Business Improvement - Medium Term Financial Strategy

Decision Maker: Policy and Resources Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


This report updates the Medium Term Financial Strategy as appropriate and sets out initial revenue and capital budget proposals for 2017/18 for consultation.


1)  That the progress with the Medium Term Financial Strategy and Efficiency Plan be noted;

2)  That it be proposed that further areas be explored and all suggestions and proposals put forward by all Members be considered; and

3)  That Members will be consulted on prioritisation of savings ideas.

Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Contact: Mark Green, Director of Finance, Resources & Business Improvement Email: Email:

Report author: Mark Green

Publication date: 29/07/2016

Date of decision: 26/07/2016

Decided: 26/07/2016 - Policy and Resources Committee

Effective from: 06/08/2016

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