Decision details

Strategic Development Site Supplementary Planning Documents - Providing Flexibility to Stakeholder Governance Group Terms of Reference

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


On 18 September 2024, Cabinet approved proposals for stakeholder steering groups associated with Supplementary Planning Documents for Heathlands Garden Settlement, Lidsing Garden Community and Invicta Park Barracks respectively. This decision seeks to provide a mechanism allowing flexibility to the Strategic Development Site Supplementary Planning Document Stakeholder Governance Groups Terms of Reference


That the Head of Spatial Planning and Economic Development, in consultation with the Council Leader, agree to make changes to the terms of reference for the Strategic Development Site Supplementary Planning Documents.

Reasons for the decision:

The Maidstone Local Plan Review 2021-2038 (MLPR), which was adopted on 20 March 2024, forms an integral part of the borough’s statutory Development Plan. The MLPR sets out the planning framework to guide growth, new development and investment within the borough over the plan period. It will help to ensure that identified needs for housing, employment, local services and different types of infrastructure, including community facilities and green infrastructure, are delivered in a timely and sustainable manner.


The MLPR requires Maidstone Borough Council, as the Local Planning Authority, to prepare Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) for the Strategic Development Sites of Heathlands, Lidsing and Invicta Park Barracks. The SPDs will set further detailed parameters for site masterplanning and provide guidance to facilitate delivery.


In line with the wider requirements for consultation and engagement with local communities and other stakeholders, details about the consultation and engagement process for the SPDs will be published in due course. It is also imperative that elected members and senior representatives from key stakeholder organisations are given the opportunity to be kept fully informed and provide feedback on progress of the SPDs at key stages throughout their preparation and implementation.


In order to achieve this, on 18 September 2024, Cabinet approved proposals for Stakeholder Steering Groups for each SPD. This included associated terms of reference.


This decision will ensure future flexibility with regard to the agreed terms of reference for these groups by allowing the Head of Spatial Planning and Economic Development, in consultation with the Council Leader, to make changes to those terms of reference. The flexibility will ensure that the terms remain fit for purpose.

Alternative options considered:

That Cabinets does not agree for the Head of Spatial Planning and Economic Development, in consultation with the Council Leader, to make changes to the terms of reference for the Strategic Development Site Supplementary Planning Documents. This would mean that the terms of reference would remain as approved by Cabinet on 18th September 2024.

Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Contact: Mark Egerton Email:

Report author: Mark Egerton

Publication date: 01/11/2024

Date of decision: 30/10/2024

Decided: 30/10/2024 - Cabinet

Date comes into force if not called in: 09/11/2024

Call-in deadline date: 08/11/2024

Accompanying Documents: