Issue - meetings

2018/19 Key Performance Indicators Update Quarter 3

Meeting: 29/01/2019 - Heritage, Culture and Leisure Committee (Item 128)

128 2018/19 Key Performance Indicators Update Quarter 3 pdf icon PDF 69 KB

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The Committee considered the report of Ms Anna Collier, Policy and Information Manager, which detailed the progress of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the Heritage, Culture and Leisure Committee that related to the delivery of the Strategic Plan 2015-2020.  


It was noted that:-


·  1 out of the 5 targeted KPIs achieved their target, compared to 4 in quarter 2.

·  The Hazlitt Theatre achieved its target and increased its performance by 10% compared to 2017/18.

·  The target for the number of students benefitting from the Museum’s educational service was not achieved in quarter 3 although there were 762 more visits compared to the same period in 2017/18.

·  Footfall at the Museum and Visitor Information Centre was down to 11,586 against a target of 16,250. 

·  The number of approaches to the Visitor Information Centre was 455 against a target of 782.

·  184,401 people, against a target of 186,079, used the facilities at the Leisure Centre during the period.

In response to questions from Members, Officers advised that:-


·  There was a Member Workshop scheduled for the first week in March to discuss KPIs for 2019/20 and any suggestions from Members for new KPIs should be forwarded to the Officer in advance of the Workshop.

·  The KPIs for the Museum needed to be re-profiled as there were seasonal trends/fluctuations and the equipment used to measure footfall was not accurate.

The Committee KPIs for Parks and Events should be included for 2019/20’s suite of KPIs. 



1.  The summary of performance for Quarter 3 of 2018/19 for Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) be noted.

2.  KPIs for 2019/20 be profiled to give more context in order for the Committee to make an informed decision on what KPIs to take forward. 


Voting:  Unanimous