Issue - meetings

Property Asset Review

Meeting: 23/01/2019 - Policy and Resources Committee (Item 150)

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Mr Mark Green, Director of Finance and Business Improvement, presented a report outlining the Council’s Property Asset Review. Mr Green referred to legal advice which outlined that making the Council’s assessment of individual sites publicly available could damage the Council’s negotiating position in future negotiations. Therefore the report presented to the Committee outlined the Council’s approach to the review in general terms. A number of actions were underway to maximise the use of Council assets – for example rent reviews for properties currently let out. However any sites that had been identified as potential for redevelopment or disposal required further engagement with members before decisions were taken.


The Committee noted that some of the actions proposed as the next steps in the Property Asset Review were the responsibility of Officers through exercising delegated authority. This meant it was critical that Ward Members affected by proposals to dispose of or redevelop Council assets were consulted with.


Mr Green assured the Committee that there was a due process to be followed in relation to consultation with Members on individual sites, and that the overall review of assets was just the first step in a process.


In response to a question from the Committee, Mr Green confirmed that a process of prioritisation of actions arising from the review was due to take place.


The Committee requested that a regular update be provided on the progress of this review, including a reference to the petition submitted regarding Rosemary Road, Bearsted.




1.  The completion of the Property Asset Review is noted.

2.  Officers carry out the next steps identified in paragraphs 1.24 to 1.27 of this report in consultation with affected ward members.


Voting:  For - 11  Against - 0  Abstentions - 2

3.  The outcome of the next steps of the Property Asset Review be brought back to this Committee.


Voting:  For - 12  Against – 0  Abstentions – 0


4.  The wording of the petition submitted be considered alongside the Property Asset Review report at future Committee meetings.