Issue - meetings

Governance Working Group - Update

Meeting: 23/11/2021 - Democracy and General Purposes Committee (Item 71)

71 Governance Working Group - Update pdf icon PDF 149 KB


The Head of Policy, Communications and Governance introduced the report and asked the Committee to refer to the timetable which set out the proposed approach to developing the new constitution. The Committee was also asked to review the Governance Arrangements Working Group membership to ensure all groups were represented.


In response to comments, the Monitoring Officer advised that the code of conduct was not within the Committee’s remit, but would be for the Audit, Governance and Standards Committee to consider if necessary.




1.  The Governance Arrangements Working Group membership be amended to add Councillors Munford and Hastie to ensure all groups of the Council are represented; and


2.  The proposed approach and timetable to the drafting of the new constitution be noted.