Issue - meetings
Proposed Private Sector Leasing Scheme (PSL) and changes to the current Landlord Incentive Scheme (LIS).
Meeting: 14/11/2023 - Housing, Health and Environment Policy Advisory Committee (Item 87)
Additional documents:
The Cabinet Member for Housing and Health introduced the report and stated that the Council was experiencing unprecedented demand for homeless services and currently had 270 households in Temporary Accommodation (TA), of which the Council owns 105 households. It was proposed to create a Private Sector Leasing (PSL) Scheme and for the Council to own 50 households under the scheme in two years.
The Committee agreed that the PSL Scheme would be beneficial to the Council’s support for vulnerable residents and increase the portfolio of Temporary Accommodation. A Member of the Committee raised a concern about whether the Council could purchase properties from landlords at the rates it anticipated considering the increased demand for rental properties.
In response to concerns, the Director of Regeneration and Place stated that the scheme would provide a guaranteed rental income, internal repairs and a management service. It was further stated that when the decision would be made another recommendation would be included to state that the final decision on leasing individual properties would be made in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing and Health together with the Director of Finance & Business Improvement.
That is be agreed to:
Launch an MBC PSL scheme with an ambition to secure
50 homes within two years of launch, and;
2. Recast the capital programme to deliver the remainder of the purchased TA over 24/25, so shortening the programme from three to two years, subject to prevailing market conditions / availability of suitable stock.