Issue - meetings
Audit Governance & Standards Committee Member Briefings
Meeting: 21/09/2015 - Audit, Governance and Standards Committee (Item 28)
28 Audit, Governance & Standards Committee Member Briefings PDF 91 KB
The Head of Audit Partnership submitted a report setting out a proposed programme of Member briefings aligned to the Committee’s wider terms of reference. It was noted that:
· The themes and topics within the briefing programme coincided with significant reports and decisions mandated to the Committee through its annual work programme and the briefings were designed to run alongside and not replace any more in-depth or detailed training sessions that might be offered to or requested by Members in helping them to fulfil their duties.
· There were no additional costs associated with the proposed programme as the briefings would be arranged in-house, drawing on the expertise and professional experience of the Officers. However, the opportunity could be taken to draw in external contributions, and the Council’s External Auditor, Grant Thornton, was willing to be involved. Any briefings or proposed briefings that required additional expense would be considered separately on a case by case basis, but at present no such sessions were proposed.
In response to questions by Members, the Head of Audit Partnership explained that it was proposed that the briefings take the same format as that established in 2014/15 with sessions being held immediately prior to meetings of the Committee and lasting approximately 45 minutes, with 20-30 minutes for the presentation followed by questions/discussion. If Members wanted more in-depth knowledge of particular topics, then separate training sessions could be arranged.
The Committee felt that the proposed programme represented a comprehensive package to address Members’ development needs.
1. That the Member briefing programme set out in Appendix I to the report of the Head of Audit Partnership, including the proposed schedule of briefings for 2015/16, be approved.
2. That the nature of and topics contained in the Member briefing programme be reviewed and refreshed as required.
3. That the Head of Audit Partnership be given delegated authority, in consultation with the Chairman of the Committee, to finalise the details of the format, content and timing of individual briefings having regard to any suggestions made by other Members.
Note: Councillors Garland and Mrs Riden (Parish Representative) entered the meeting during consideration of this report.