Issue - meetings
Further detail on the results of VISUM modelling on DS4
Meeting: 07/12/2015 - Maidstone Joint Transportation Board (Item 132)
132 Further detail on the results of VISUM modelling on DS4 PDF 91 KB
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Notice was given of a motion. The Chairman invited Officers to introduce the report before the motion was put forward.
The Head of Planning and Development, Rob Jarman, advised that the information before the Board detailed further results of the traffic modelling on the Do Something 4 (DS4) option. This had been developed jointly with Kent County Council. Focus had been given to transport mitigation measures to support development, and the phasing of new development.
Brendan Wright, Strategic Transport and Development Planner, explained that the DS4 option was based upon the objectively assessed housing need calculated as 18,560 homes, and modelled interventions including walking, cycling, public transport and car parking. Two runs of the modelling had been completed: one with, and one without the inclusion of the proposed Leeds-Langley relief road. Work on rural junctions would be looked at as planning applications were submitted.
It was moved by Mr Cooke, and seconded by Councillor JA Wilson, that:
In the absence of an agreed transport strategy, and in the light of the evidence presented to this board demonstrating Maidstone’s significant highway capacity constraints, this board recommends that a transport strategy be taken forward by the borough and county councils, covering the period up to the local plan review in 2022. The aim of this strategy will be to mitigate the transport impact of future additional dwellings within this time frame, estimated to be in the region of some 5000 homes. The strategy should comprise of the key highways schemes and public transport improvements, agreed by the board, and further traffic modelling will be required to identify its impact. Full details should also be urgently provided to further develop the justification for a relief road between the A20 and the A274 the Leeds Langley relief road, along with the preferred route, in order to allow testing against other strategic transport options, and to enable the scheme to be implemented at the earliest possible opportunity.
The Chairman allowed for further discussion of the results of VISUM modelling on DS4 before the motion was voted on.
In response to questions the Board was advised that:
· Maidstone Borough Council could allocate housing sites and grant planning permission, but only the land owners and developers could decide when development would commence and set the pace of development.
· Consultant engineers had produced modelling and analysis on the rural junctions at Staplehurst and Linton cross roads, and arrived at detailed mitigation measures. Applications securing section 106 monies from developers would fund these improvements.
Members discussed the motion put before the Board and the following points were made:
· Members reported a desire among residents for the implementation of the proposed Leeds-Langley relief road.
· Consensus was required between the Board, the KCC Cabinet Member and the Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transport Committee.
· There had been discussions regarding a Leeds-Langley relief road in previous years, which had stalled due to lack of funding.
· There were concerns that building the relief road would inspire more housing development in the area.
· Currently available ... view the full minutes text for item 132