Issue - meetings
A sustainable future for Mote Park
Meeting: 05/01/2016 - Heritage, Culture and Leisure Committee (Item 81)
Additional documents:
- Appendix A for A sustainable future for Mote Park, item 81
- Appendix B for A sustainable future for Mote Park, item 81
PDF 510 KB View as HTML (81/3) 87 KB
- Appendix C for A sustainable future for Mote Park, item 81
PDF 23 KB View as HTML (81/4) 11 KB
- Background document for A sustainable future for Mote Park, item 81
PDF 515 KB
- Background document for A sustainable future for Mote Park, item 81
- Background document for A sustainable future for Mote Park, item 81
The progress of the programme of projects known as ‘A
sustainable future for Mote Park’ be noted;
The development of the outline spatial framework for locating the
projects in Mote Park be agreed;
A request to Policy and Resources Committee for £3.929m
(subject to future review) of capital to deliver the programme of
projects and improvements and to maximise operational and
commercial opportunities be approved;
4) Should the capital programme bid be successful, delegated authority be given to the Head of Commercial and Economic Development to spend up to £100,000 developing the detailed plans; including the business case for the new visitor centre.
Members considered the report of the Head of Commercial and Economic Development which informed the progress made with regard to various projects related to Mote Park, sought approval for the development of the outline spatial framework for locating the projects in Mote Park and sought approval for capital to deliver the programme of projects and improvements.
In response to Members’ questions, it was noted:-
That the Skate Park would be removed from the area adjacent to the
Play Area but every effort will be made to relocate it within the
A competition would be launched for the design of the Visitor
It was envisaged that the Adventure Zone would be built ahead of
the toilet facilities. However,
Officers were confident that there would be sufficient toilet
facilities elsewhere in the Park until they are built.
· That at the Committee’s request any consultation with Members should be to all Members, not just High Street Ward Members as what happens in the Park affects all residents.
The progress of the programme of projects known as ‘A
sustainable future for Mote Park’ be noted;
The development of the outline spatial framework for locating the
projects in Mote Park be agreed;
A request to Policy and Resources Committee for £3.929m
(subject to future review) of capital to deliver the programme of
projects and improvements and to maximise operational and
commercial opportunities be approved;
Should the capital programme bid be successful, delegated authority
be given to the Head of Commercial and Economic Development to
spend up to £100,000 developing the detailed plans; including
the business case for the new visitor centre.
Voting: For: 8 Against: 0 Abstentions: 0