Issue - meetings

Transport Operators Group

Meeting: 08/11/2016 - Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee (Item 116)

116 Report of the Head of Planning and Development - Maidstone Transport Operators Group pdf icon PDF 74 KB


RESOLVED:  That the Committee requests the Director of Regeneration and Place to investigate, as part of his Review of Planning Services, how the Maidstone Transport Operators’ Group and other similar groups could be funded and resourced. 


The Committee considered the report of the Head of Planning and Development on the establishment of a Maidstone Transport Operators Group.


Members expressed their concerns that the figure quoted in the report of £350 per meeting was not accurate and should be revisited.  The Director of Finance and Business Improvement advised that if the cost of accommodating the meetings of the Maidstone Transport Operators Group could not be found from within existing resources, it would need to go to Policy and Resources Committee for assessment.  It was also noted that there would be no capacity for a Democratic Services Officer to service these meetings.


A Member expressed his disappointment that the report had come forward at this time as he had asked for it to come in February/March next year when all the issues would have been resolved.


The Director of Regeneration and Place undertook to ensure that the resourcing issue for this Group would be covered in his report on the Planning Review.


RESOLVED:  That the Committee requests the Director of Regeneration and Place to investigate, as part of his Review of Planning Services, how the Maidstone Transport Operators’ Group and other similar groups could be funded and resourced. 

Voting:  For:  9  Against:  0  Abstentions:  0